Government Relations Experiential Opportunities

Dalton State College students interested in political science have the opportunity to participate in the Georgia Legislative Internship Program and also to job shadow our Director of Government Relations and Alumni Relations during Georgia’s annual General Assembly. Program details and opportunities may vary. For details, please contact Sam Dindoffer at [email protected].
Sample Program Opportunities
- Introduction to state legislative process and appellate/supreme court process
- One-on-one meetings with state elected officials
- Observance of committee meetings on legislation relative to your discipline (if possible)
- Observance of both legislative chambers during session
- Overview of career opportunities in the political field
- Tour of government buildings (Nathan Deal Judicial Building, capitol, CLOB)
- Great way to see firsthand how the GLIP works
- Opportunities to meet with registered lobbyists, legislative staffers, etc.
- Opportunities to attend special legislative events (e.g., Dalton Day)
- Minimum 2.5 institutional GPA
- Open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors
- Open to all disciplines
- Must have faculty recommendation
- Academic component (varies by discipline)
- Two-paragraph essay on how program will enhance college experience
- Reflective essay post-program completion
- Signed agreement to uphold ‘No Personal Advocacy’ agreement
- Signed protocol agreement
- Completion of pre-session program orientation