Name: Bryan Lopez
Age: 21
Hometown: Dalton
High school: Coahulla Creek
Major: Biology with a chemistry minor
Expected graduation date: Fall 2018
Why did you choose Dalton State? It is close to home, affordable, and the student-faculty ratio is low, allowing students to communicate and relate with professors.
What does it mean to you to be part of the Roadrunner Nation? It means to be part of a growing community of people who are creating greater opportunities for this city.
What do you plan to do after graduation? Go to dental school and work in underserved areas.
What activities are you involved in on campus? I have been involved in various activities such as camping, hiking, volunteering, translating Spanish speaking students and parents, and representing Latino students at Board of Regents meetings. I am also the current Vice-President for Beta Chi Nu (Biology honors society), Pre-Health Club, and serving as student worker for Familias Unidas.
What are some of your biggest achievements or accomplishments at Dalton State? Making the Dean’s List various times, taking summer classes since I graduated high school, and receiving several scholarships each year, while having two jobs and leading and being part of volunteer activities throughout the community.
What are some of your favorite activities in and around Dalton? I enjoy anything outdoors, whether it be going hiking, running, or going through trails with my Jeep. I also take delight in going to the movie theater and learning/teaching Christian theology on how to have a personal relationship with God and not religion.
Where is your favorite study spot? I find it bothersome to always study in one specific spot, so I study in different places ranging from being as loud as Starbucks to as quiet as the library.
What is the last book you read? “I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist” by Normal L Geisler and Frank Turek.
Favorite comfort food? Lo Mein, brown/white steamed rice, and any entrée from Panda Express.
Favorite line from a movie? “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
What is your guilty pleasure? My guilty pleasure is staying up late at night to read, watch a movie, or binge eat, even though I know I’ll regret it in the morning.
If you won the lottery, what would you do? “What wouldn’t I do?” (anything not morally correct).
What is a skill you’d like to learn and why? Speak every language to be able to communicate with people from different places, backgrounds, and cultures.
What cheers you up? A good cup of coffee and knowing that I helped someone in any way or manner.
If you could go back in history, who would you like to meet? Jesus.
Where is your favorite place to eat? Anything Asian.
What did you want to be when you were a kid? I wanted to do several things, but the most I thought of was being a scientist, professional fighter, chef, and space traveler.
As a Roadrunner, what does it mean to “Run Boldly?” To Run Boldly means to serve others while achieving your dreams and not to achieve your dreams while serving others.