Name: Catherine Antalis
Age: 23
Hometown: Dalton
High school: Baylor School
Major: Communication
Expected graduation date: Spring 2019
Why did you choose Dalton State? I chose Dalton State for its size and location. I’m from here and really appreciate the small-town aspects of the school. Its size is perfect because it really gives students the opportunity to connect with their teachers.
What does it mean to you to be part of the Roadrunner Nation? To me, being a part of the Roadrunner Nation means being a member of a community that values growth and hard work. I have really grown to love this school and the opportunities it offers. The thoughtfulness and giving spirit of the community at Dalton State is truly unrivaled in the surrounding area, and I’m truly thankful to be a part of it.
Who is/was your favorite professor and why? My favorite professor here is Dr. Michael Hoff. I took him for Human Development last year, and it was one of my favorite classes I’ve had here. He was a great teacher and mentor. His style of teaching made all the topics we covered very interesting, and I had a genuinely fun time learning in his class.
What activities are you involved in on campus? I’m involved in the Orientation Team, and I can’t wait to join more clubs!
What are some of your biggest achievements or accomplishments at Dalton State? I have been on the Dean’s List every semester ever since I enrolled, and I now have an internship thanks to the contacts I have gained here at Dalton State. The Dalton State faculty and the friends I’ve made here have all helped facilitate my success here.
What are some of your favorite activities in and around Dalton? One of my favorite activities, when I get some down time, is to take my dog Chaco to the dog park and let her play with some of the other dogs. It’s great exercise for her and I really enjoy getting to meet new people. I also really enjoy hiking. Dalton State and the surrounding areas have really great trails with amazing scenery. My favorite one is the Disney Trail. The hike is tough, but the view is amazing!
What is your best memory so far as part of the Roadrunner Nation? My best memory so far would definitely have to be when I found out I was accepted onto the Orientation Team. I had always wanted to be more involved with Dalton State. When I was accepted, some of the other members of the team surprised me as I walked into class with a giant sign and balloons. They truly made me feel like a part of their family.
Favorite comfort food? My mom’s chicken pot pie
If you had a theme song, what would it be? “Fearless” by Taylor Swift
Favorite line from a movie? “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” -Joe from The Princess Diaries, quoting Eleanor Roosevelt
What is your guilty pleasure? Puns. They’re so simple but make me laugh so much.
If you won the lottery, what would you do? Not only would I keep a portion of it in my savings, I would also give some to my parents. They have sacrificed so much in order to set a stable foundation for my life. I am so thankful for their dedication, so I would definitely have to give them a portion of it.
What cheers you up? My dog Chaco. She just gets so excited when she sees me, and that alone would raise anyone’s spirits!
Who is your hero? My grandfather. Among the many lessons he taught me, my favorite would have to be to always take advantage of opportunities when they come around. He always said that the memories and contacts gained from doing so will always outweigh the regret or foregone connections built from doing so.
If you could go back in history, who would you like to meet? Walt Disney. He created Disney World and the other parks with such vision and dedication. I have so much admiration for him and his company because he never let any obstacles get in the way of his dream.
What is your favorite app? Snapchat
Where is your favorite place to eat? Chick-fil-a
As a Roadrunner, what does it mean to Run Boldly? To me, Run Boldly means living life to its fullest and always trying new things. It means not being afraid to make changes your life even though it feels like you’re too far down a certain path. Being at Dalton State has definitely taught me that change is simply a part of life and most of the time leads to unexpected but valuable opportunities. I am thankful for Dalton State for helping me discover part of who I am in and out of the classroom!