Name: Jerry Drye
Hometown: Paris, Tenn. (two hours north of my birthplace- Nashville)
Degrees earned: Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Organizational Communication from Murray State University/50 doctoral hours from the University of Georgia currently
What courses do you teach? Humor Communication, Organizational Communication, and Fundamentals of Speech.
How long have you been at Dalton State? I have just begun my seventh year.
Why did you choose Dalton State? They made me an offer and I took them up on it before they came to their senses. I appreciate the mission of Dalton State and want to help our students achieve their dreams.
Did you always plan to teach at the college level? Why or why not? I wanted to for a very long time because I imagined that getting people to laugh and learn at the same time would be a very cool job. I was right.
What do you like best about teaching at Dalton State? I love my faculty and staff colleagues.
What are some of your biggest achievements or accomplishments while at Dalton State? Rather than awards and accolades, I think the daily moments when you see a student get it or see genuine growth in them are the best achievements and the reason we are all here.
If you could add any class to the curriculum at Dalton State what would it be? A class in good manners, and I would make it a required course for everyone, please and thank you.
What is the last book you read? “Ha: The Science of When We Laugh and Why” by Scott Weems
Favorite comfort food? Mashed potatoes.
If you had a theme song, what would it be? “You May be Right: I May be Crazy” by Billy Joel.
Favorite line from a movie? “I wouldn’t bring up Paris; it’s poor salesmanship.” Rick to Ilsa in Casablanca.
What cheers you up? The sound of others’ laughter.
Who would play you in the movie version of your life? Kevin James.
If you could go back in history, who would you like to meet? My wife again (on the first day we met- that was awesome!). Bob Hope would be cool as well.
Where is your favorite place to eat? Any place with the words “all you can eat” on the menu.
What did you want to be when you were a kid? A standup comedian and a radio disc jockey (both of which I have done).
What does it mean to you to be part of the Roadrunner Nation? It is a joy to be a part of something bigger than me. It is a privilege to join in with great colleagues among these staff and faculty to help people of various backgrounds and dreams to grow and achieve their goals.