Learning Support
Dalton State Collage Learning Support
Some applicants to Dalton State College need additional preparation before embarking on a degree or certificate program. The Learning Support courses at Dalton State College were developed to assist students for success in college-level mathematics and English courses. These corequisite courses provide “just-in-time” remediation in English, reading, and mathematics.

Dr. Vince Postell
Requirements For Exempting/Placing In The Program
Students seeking to enter degree programs must be able to demonstrate that they have met the Dalton State College established minimum requirements in English, reading, and mathematics in order to be allowed to enroll in Core Curriculum and degree-level courses.
To exempt placement screening, a student must meet the following criteria. Test scores taken within the last 5 years can be used to determine placement.
To exempt ENGL 0999, the corequisite course for English 1101
- minimum score 430 Old SAT-Verbal; or
- minimum score 480 Evidence-Based Reading & Writing (EBRW) on the new SAT
- minimum score17 ACT-English; or
- minimum score 61 Accuplacer Reading AND minimum 6 Accuplacer Writer; or
- minimum score 70 Accuplacer Reading AND minimum 5 Accuplacer Writer; or
- minimum score 80 Accuplacer Reading AND minimum 4 Accuplacer Writer;
- minimum score 237 through 247 on Accuplacer Next-Generation Reading Comprehension AND minimum score 5 on Accuplacer WritePlacer: or
- minimum score 248 on Accuplacer Next-Generation Reading Comprehension AND minimum score of 4 Accuplacer WritePlacer: and
- have met the Required High School Curriculum requirement in English
For Mathematics
To exempt MATH 0999, the corequisite course for the MATH 1111 Pathway
- minimum score of 500 Old SAT-Mathematics; or
- minimum score of 27 New SAT-Mathematics; or
- minimum score of 21 ACT-Mathematics; or
- minimum score of 80 Accuplacer Elementary Algebra; or
- minimum Accuplacer Next Gen score of 267; or
- minimum High School GPA of 3.6; and
- have met the Required High School Curriculum requirement in mathematics
Note: Students whose high school GPAs are below 3.2, who have ACT Math scores below 17, who have SAT scores below 400 (old SAT) or below 22 (new SAT), who have Accuplacer Elementary Algebra scores below 67, or who have Accuplacer Next Generation scores below 258 may not enroll in the MATH 1111/MATH 0999 pathway. Students with such scores who want to enroll in MATH 1111 must first successfully complete MATH 1001, 1101, or 1401, with the corresponding cocurricular course, before they may enroll in MATH 1111.
To exempt MATH 0996, MATH 0997, or MATH 0998, the corequisite courses for MATH 1401, 1001, 1101, or Pathways, respectively
- minimum score of 460 Old SAT-Mathematics; or
- minimum score of 25 New SAT-Mathematics;or
- minimum score of 19 ACT-Mathematics; or
- minimum score of 69 Accuplacer Elementary Algebra; or
- minimum Accuplacer Next Gen score of 258; or
- minimum High School GPA of 3.4; and
have met the Required High School Curriculum requirement in mathematics
Students who have taken Accuplacer test at a COC-accredited TCSG college and transfer to a USG institution will not be required to take another placement test if the placement test was administered as part of the normal application process.
For additional information, please see the College Catalog’s section on Programs of Study.