Getting Started

Considering enrolling in eMajor? Here are the steps to get started.

Step 1

Secure your admission to Dalton State

Please visit the Dalton State Admissions resources page and follow the Admission steps. Once you are officially admitted to Dalton State, email Grace Neff ([email protected]) for additional information regarding the eMajor program.

Step 2

Take the eMajor Online Introduction Quiz

Complete the eMajor Online Introduction Quiz (results may take 24-48 hours to process). Once the eMajor Introduction Quiz is processed you will receive a confirmation email in your Dalton State email.
See Admissions Requirements

Step 3

Get in touch with your eMajor Advisor

For academic advising, registration, and program planning, please email Dr. James Wright (Advisor for eMajor Criminal Justice) or  Grace Neff (Advisor for eMajor Organizational Leadership).
See Admissions Requirements

Step 4

Receive your registration information

Upon advisement, you will be given registration information and released to self-register in myDaltonState.

Step 5

Watch for your eMajor welcome letter

You will receive an eMajor welcome letter to your Dalton State email prior the beginning of the eMajor classes. The letter will contain eMajor login instructions, information on purchasing textbooks, and additional information.

Step 6

First day of classes!

It is very important to log into your eMajor courses on the first day of class and make contact with the Instructor. You are set to go! For any questions, please feel free to call the eMajor Help Line at 678.839.6400.


In order to register as a Dalton State eMajor student, you must be officially admitted to Dalton State, have completed the eMajor Online Introduction Quiz, and been released to self-register per instructions 1-4 at the Getting Started page.

How to find eMajor courses and eMajor registration:

Credits earned in eMajor courses will transfer to institutions within the University System of Georgia (view map) and to most other colleges and universities. However, before registering for an eMajor course, consult your campus advisor to determine if courses fit your chosen major’s program of study.

Step 1

You may view the eMajor course schedule on the main eMajor website at the following link:

Step 2

You will need to find your desired class and the corresponding Course Reference Number (CRN) from the Dalton State “Class Schedule” via the Dalton State website.

Step 3

After determining your eMajor classes and obtaining the specific CRN, you can register for classes via Roadrunner Portal.

Please note: although you can view eCore classes from the eCore website, you will not be able to log into eCore until a few days prior to the beginning of the semester.