Message from the Dean

School of Health Professions at Dalton State College
Welcome to the School of Health Professions at Dalton State College. We offer a number of degrees which allow students to enter the workforce within health and human services. Students can earn bachelor’s degrees in Nursing (RN-BSN), Organizational Leadership, Respiratory Therapy (RT-BSRT) and Social Work; associate’s degrees in Medical Laboratory Technology, Nursing (RN), Radiologic Technology, and Respiratory Therapy; a certificate in Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN); and a mini-certificate in Phlebotomy. We also offer a Health/Physical Education pathway through the AS General Studies degree.
Students in the School of Health Professions enjoy working with our caring, dedicated, and highly-skilled faculty members. Our faculty is student-centered, and has been recognized for their knowledge and expertise. With their guidance, students gain valuable experience in skills courses in our campus’ state of the art facilities and labs, and at a variety of health care sites in the local and regional communities. Our rigorous programs prepare students to be successful in their chosen fields, as well as enjoy an exceptionally high pass rate on their state and national exams. Graduates from these programs are immediately employable, and prepared to meet the challenges offered in the dynamic and exciting field of Health Professions.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Dr. Gina M. Kertulis-Tartar
Dean of Health Professions
Associate Professor of Biology
[email protected]