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Welcome to the Wright School of Business at Dalton State. Business faculty and professional staff are valuable resources to help you achieve your academic and career goals. Being successful requires planning from the start. We provide a proposed two-year schedule of course offerings and degree progression charts by major and minor as resources. Full-time bachelor degree students are encouraged to complete coursework over eight semesters, completing a minimum of 15 credit hours each term. It is especially important that you attend each advising session prepared to make your advising process flow smoothly and be mindful of course prerequisites to avoid delaying your graduation.

Understanding Prerequisites and the Big Five

Management 4701. Strategic Management course description. More details, below.

In the text box above is a course description of MNGT 4701 Strategic Management from the DSC catalog.  You’ll see “prerequisites” listed below the description.  It is important to know where to locate course prerequisites and understand what they mean.  Courses must be taken in the proper sequence so you have an understanding of the material you need to be successful in subsequent courses.  There are NO exceptions to prerequisites in the WSOB and you must complete all courses in the specified order.

You will also note from this catalog description above that the Strategic Management course must be taken at DSC in your final semester (the graduating semester).  The codes mean the course is offered in F (Fall) and S (Spring).  You will note that this course is not offered in the summer or in an online format but it is offered in both days and evenings.

For this example, let’s review the prerequisites for strategic management.  Be aware, classes with prerequisites require the successful completion of other classes first. Not completing the prerequisite classes would delay your scheduled graduation. So for this course example, the five prerequisites are:

  • BUSA 3701- Professional Development
  • FINC 3056- Principles of Finance
  • LSCM 3251- Principles of Supply Chain Management
  • MARK 3010- Principles of Marketing
  • MNGT 3051- Principles of Management

All five prerequisite courses must be successfully completed (no co-requisites – meaning you cannot take either of these five courses at the same time you take Strategic Management) with a grade of “C” or better before you may enroll in Strategic Management. Be sure to check all prerequisites carefully for each course as you plan your schedule. Your advisor will also check your proposed schedule before clearing you to register for classes.

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Person Icon Janeli Becerra

Map Roberts Library 212

Phone Icon 706-272-2591 Email [email protected]

**Your first advising appointment must be face-to-face with an academic advisor and face-to-face meetings are strongly recommended for each advising appointment. Both the advisor and the student share responsibility to ensure the advising sessions are positive experiences.

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