The Dalton State College Wright School of Business internship program connects talented students with employers. Students gain valuable work experience through paid internships, while the employers gain access to motivated junior and senior-level business students eager to apply and perfect their new skill sets. Often, area employers utilize their internship programs to locate the best and brightest students for their workforce. Internships allow employers to evaluate potential new hires before extending an offer for full time employment.
What are internships?
Internships are typically one-time work or service experiences related to the student’s major or career goal. The internship plan generally involves students working in professional settings under the supervision and monitoring of practicing professionals. Internships can be paid or unpaid and the student may or may not receive academic credit for performing the internship. Students are eligible to apply for an internship after they complete the first principles class in their major. Students may complete two for-credit internships as part of their BBA degree program.
Upon completion of the internship, students present their internship presentation to the BUSA 2106 Environment of Business (freshmen) students so they will learn about current business practices and the value and opportunities an internship can afford them. This is a great resume builder as well.

Mindy McDaniel presented on her Social Media Marketing Internship

MIS Professor Dr. Lorraine Gardiner, Brett Scott WSOB MIS alumnus class of 2022, WSOB Dean Marilyn Helms, Adan Amaro LSCM alumnus class of 2008, Christian Rosas current WSOB MIS major, and Yesinia Leon, current WSOB Marketing Major attended the Mohawk Internship Presentation event today. We are so proud of these WSOB students who have had such successful internship experiences at Mohawk that typically have lead to full-time jobs. Check Handshake if you are interested in an internship at Mohawk!

STEM Flyer designed by marketing interns Janahi Contreras and Nicole Aldana

Internship presentations to freshman and sophomore classes.
Internship benefits for employers
- Receive assistance with tasks or projects that current employees do not have time to tackle.
- Bring the latest technology skills to the workplace.
- Transfer knowledge about your company to the DSC campus and increase your brand recognition.
- Build a pool of job candidates who have direct experience with your company.
Dalton State’s C. Lamar and Ann Wright School of Business is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), an achievement fewer than five percent of business schools in the world have. Our students are well-prepared for internship placements.
Choosing an intern
At the Wright School of Business, we have highly motivated and professional students in six Bachelor of Business Administration disciplines who can meet the needs of your company.
Bachelor of Business Administration
- Accounting
- Finance and Applied Economics
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Management
- Management Information Systems
- Marketing
- Business Analytics
- Entrepreneurship
- Finance
- Financial Technology (FinTech)
- Forensic Accounting
- Human Resource Management
- International Business
- Business
Internship Overview
- Occurs in the Fall/Spring Semesters (16 weeks) or Summer (7 weeks)
- At employer’s company’s commercial location
- Students apply based on the employer’s internship job description
- Employer selects which students to interview and hire
- Compensation suggested: $12-$20 per hour
- Interns work up to 20 hours per week
- Employer must provide a supervisor/mentor for intern
- Dalton State College’s WSOB also provides a faculty internship advisor
- Company supervisor completes an end-of-internship evaluation
- Students present about their internship experience in lower division business classes (typically BUSA 2106 Environment of Business) at DSC
WSOB Internship Requirements
The Internship host must:
- Provide suitable, safe, workspace: not in a residence, not in a location that could pose any potential harm or health risk, not in an isolated/remote location.
- Provide any needed equipment, and materials for the intern.
- Provide supervision under a credentialed subject matter expert for whom the intern has easy access for questions, guidance, and/or assistance.
- Provide industry best practices as part of the experience. This may include referencing said practices through applicable standards, accreditations, assessments, etc.
- Provide reliable data-based methodologies for projects, decision-making, etc. or applicable processes and procedures for developing work plans.
- Comply with the Department of Labor-Fair Standards Act with respect to intern pay.
Steps for hiring an intern
1. Write Internship Job Description
The Internship job description serves as the first step to finding the best WSOB intern. A good description contains concise and detailed information to help applicants understand what is expected of them.
Your internship job description should include the following items, preferable on your company’s letterhead:
- Details about your company – Describe your company philosophy, mission, and goals
- Title of internship position – Include the word “internship” as part of the title
- Duration of internship
- Job responsibilities/duties – Specific expectations, projects, tasks and deadlines for the internship
- Location, travel requirements, physical requirements, etc.
- Skill sets – Preferred/required skills necessary for the position
- Training offered through the internship if applicable
- Hours per week – 10-20 hours per week during the fall/spring/summer semesters
- Compensation – $12-$20 per hour (based on qualifications)
- Intern supervisor title and all contact information
- How students apply – Point of contact, complete name and title to email resumes and cover letters, application deadlines: Also include phone, email or website link
Please note: Junior or Senior-level business students may be enrolled in an internship course for academic credit or seeking a non- academic internship. To ensure students have received the career-related experience necessary for the course the employer must commit to completing a required final evaluation of the student intern.
2. Submit Internship Application for Employers
Click here to view the Internship Application Form for Employers
3. Send Internship Job Description for Review
Once you have completed your internship job description email it to:
Jamie Connors
Associate Dean
Associate Professor of Accounting
[email protected]
4. Post Your Internship on Handshake
Upon approval, your internship job description will be distributed by email blasts to appropriate students by Dr. Connors.
You will also be asked post your opportunity on Handshake, Dalton State’s Career Management System. You can set up a free employer account, connect with Dalton State College, and not only post your opportunities, but also search for/recruit qualified candidates and register to attend our upcoming career events.
To set up an Employer Account on Handshake, follow these easy steps.
5. Review Student Applications and Interview Selected Students
- You may interview the student at your commercial location or in an office in Gignilliat Hall, home of the WSOB on the Dalton State College Campus.
- You choose which student(s) to employ as your intern.
6. Complete Student Intern Evaluation
- You will receive an evaluation regarding the intern’s performance prior to the end of the internship.
- Upon completion of the internship please complete an evaluation of your student intern. Contact Senior Administrative Assistant Trish Rafey for an evaluation form: [email protected] 706-272-4507.
In addition to the end-of-internship feedback, a process for on-going reflection feedback is recommended to assure that your organization is getting the most out of your intern and in the intern is getting the most out of their experience. To assist the intern in achieving his/her learning objectives, consider utilizing some of the following tools:
- Reflection logs associated with their log hours (optional form in Internship Handbook)
- Weekly/Biweekly meetings
- Check-ins following assignments given
- Debriefing following assignments completed
- Productivity and achievement reports
- Blogs/posts/tweets
Why do an internship?
- Evaluate specific companies or specific careers prior to committing to full-time employment with exposure to different job opportunities.
- Build your resume while applying academic concepts and principles.
- Work with equipment and technology that may not be available on campus, and cultivate adaptability and creativity in a dynamic workplace.
- Ease your transition from being a student to entering the professional workforce while developing an expanded network of associates and professionals.
- Increase your marketability to employers.
- Facilitate a higher- starting salary than non- interns. In a recent study interns received more than non-interns for starting salary.
- Increase your opportunities within a company for faster advancement and growth.
Our internship program provides students with work experiences that can be “building blocks” for their careers. The program is open to student’s enrolled in Dalton State’s Wright School of Business who have a current 2.5 GPA or higher and have completed nine upper division credits, including three courses in the internship’s major field (or with permission from the Associate Dean).
Please note: Students must secure an internship prior to the process of enrollment in the three-credit hour internship course in Wright School of Business.
Internship form: You may fill out this online form to be paired with an internship opportunity. Be sure to include your major and student email.