How to develop a course schedule
Review courses needed for your program.
- Business students are strongly encouraged to take the “Environment of Business”, “Fundamentals of Computer Applications”, and “Principles of Macroeconomics” during their first semester at DSC. The following links and documents help gain knowledge on tracking degree progress and advising requirements as well as preparing for graduation.
- Program of Study requirements,
- Progression Chart – graduation plans by major,
- 2 year schedule of course offerings by major.
Access Class Schedule.
- You may click here to access our class schedule and view which courses you would like to take. Record classes selected from the class schedule to the schedule template provided above.
Find the CRN (course reference number).
- The CRN designates the class, time, date and other pertinent information about a course.
- The CRN: The CRN is a five-digit number on the left hand side of the class schedule. Write down the CRN number of each class on your Course Schedule Template. This number is necessary to register within the Roadrunner Portal. If class has only one or two seats left, develop an alternate schedule.
- Also, notice the start and end date of each class. Classes offered are either full semester (A session), or half-semester (B & C sessions). B session runs the first half and C session runs the last half of the semester.
- Once approved, your Advisor will give you permission to register.
Find Your Advisor
- Go to Roadrunner Portal – The Dalton State campus portal.
- Login with your Username and Password.
- Under Students, click “Who is My Advisor?”
- Select your term of enrollment and then submit.
- You will be directed to the “General Student Records” page which will outline your student information including Advisor.
How to register for classes
- Log into your Roadrunner Portal account.
- Click the “Banner” tab, select the link: Student and Financial Aid
- Select the link: Registration Menu
- Click on: Add or Drop Classes
- Select the semester (ex. Fall 20xx) for which you intend to register and then click: Submit
- In each of the white rectangular boxes on the screen, input the Course Reference Numbers (CRNs) representing the classes you have chosen. Only enter the CRN once, it does not matter what order the CRN’s are entered. Then click: Submit Changes
- If a class is closed and you want to add it to the waitlist, select “Waitlist” from the drop-down menu next to the closed class and then click Submit Changes again. This will add you to the waitlist.
- To drop a class, select “Drop” from the drop-down menu beside the class you want to drop, then click Submit Changes.
- After submitting your CRNs, make sure that the classes displayed correspond with the classes you intended to register for.
- To view your Class Schedule: Select the Printable Version option that is in blue font right above your registered classes.