General Information
The following information generally applies to exams offered and proctored by the Dalton State Testing Center. For information about specific exams, please see below. If the exam you require is offered by an outside agency or testing company, please visit their website for specific information and policy.
General Information
The Dalton State Testing Center is located in 201 Sequoya Hall.
A valid photo Identification is required for all exams. Please make sure you bring an acceptable photo ID to your appointment. If you are not sure if we will accept your ID, please email [email protected], or call us at 706-272-2606 for more information.
Acceptable IDs: valid state driver’s license, student ID (for Dalton State Entrance or Make-up Exams only), or passport.
Not acceptable IDs: check cashing cards, credit cards with a photo, store loyalty cards, etc.
The Testing Center can supply calculators for any exam requiring a calculator or permitting their use. The Testing Center can also provide ear plugs, if requested.
Appointments are required for all exams. We do not accept walk-in appointments. Please schedule ahead of your exam date, or you will not be permitted to test.
To schedule your exam appointment, visit the Dalton State Testing Center’s Registration Page. If you are a Dalton State student, please sign in before scheduling by clicking the “Sign In” link located in the upper-right corner of the Registration Page.
Policy Information
Click HERE for Testing Center Policy Information for Test Takers and Faculty
Contact Us
Testing Center Contact Information
Your questions and concerns are important to all of us at the Dalton State Testing Center. We answer email requests daily during our regular business hours, Monday-Thursday 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM, and Friday 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM. Please allow up to 24 hours during our regular business hours for a response. If you send an after hours or weekend email, please note that our response will be delayed until regular business hours. If you do not receive a response within 24 hours, feel free to send a follow-up email or give us a call.
For most requests and information regarding testing services, we can best serve you through email.
Please include any relevant information in your email, such as your full name, student ID number, student email address, etc.
Testing Staff
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (706) 272-2606
Mailing Address:
Dalton State College
Testing Center (SEQ 201)
650 College Dr.
Dalton, GA 30720
For all other requests and concerns, please contact:
Jacob Dills, Coordinator of Testing
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (706) 272-4562
Scheduling, Rescheduling, and Canceling an Appointment
Appointments are required for all exams. We do not accept walk-in appointments. Please schedule at least 24 hours before your exam date, or you will not be permitted to test.
To schedule your exam appointment, visit the Dalton State Testing Center’s Registration Page. If you are a Dalton State student, please sign in before scheduling by clicking the “Sign In” link located in the upper-right corner of the Registration Page.
How To Schedule an Exam
- Visit the Dalton State Testing Center’s Registration Page. Select an exam group from the drop down menu below Choose a Group.
- Continue to choose the correct option from any remaining Choose a Group drop down menus. This process narrows down your test selections.
- Click the Select a Date for Your Exam field to choose an available testing date from the calendar.
- Click the Choose a Time field to select an available testing time.
- Complete the personal information for the person who will be taking the test.
- Read the Exam Guideline Acknowledgement in the scroll box.
- Check the box under the scroll box, to acknowledge the guidelines.
- Complete the Needed Information.
- If you need to add another exam, click Add Another Exam and repeat the previous process.
- If payment is not required, click Ready to check out.
- If payment is required, complete the credit card fields and click Purchase Exams.
- If you have completed all necessary registrations, click Complete Registration.
- Once you have clicked Complete Registration, your confirmation email will appear on the screen, you may print a copy for your records.
- Upon a successful transaction you will receive an immediate email confirmation receipt. You must have this receipt with you at the time of testing.
- Print your receipt.
How to Reschedule or Cancel an Exam
You must either reschedule or cancel your exam date ahead of time if you are unable to make it to your appointment. If you do not show up for your appointment without rescheduling or canceling your date, you will be marked as a “No Show” in the scheduling software and denied a refund.
- Click the My Account/ My Exams/ My History tab at the top of this page.
- Enter the email address you used to initially schedule your exam.
- Click the Continue button underneath the email field.
- In a few minutes, you’ll receive an email link which is valid for 90 minutes.
- Click the link from the email received.
- A new window will open with your registration history.
- Click the Reschedule link.
- A calendar will appear with the available dates for rescheduling purposes.
- Click the date and time to reschedule.
- After you have completed the step above, you will receive a confirmation email notifying you of the new test date.
Fee and Refund Policy
The Dalton State Testing Center offers our proctoring services for institutional make-up exams and disability accommodation exams to all Dalton State students free-of-charge. Exams offered by outside agencies, testing companies (such as GACE, ATi, or College Board), eCore, and other USG institutions may require a fee.
Some exams requiring a fee have a no-refund policy. Please check with the specific testing company or agency regarding refund policy.
For all exams that do permit a refund, you must cancel your appointment and request a refund before your exam date. Failure to cancel prior to your exam date will flag your account as a “No Show,” and the Testing Center will not issue a refund.
Refunds will not be issued for a completed exam, regardless of score or outcome, under any circumstances.
Test Security and Academic Honesty Policy
Test Security
The Dalton State Testing Center takes pride in providing our students and community members with a secure proctored environment for test taking. We use a combination of live proctors and the latest technology to ensure every exam is monitored for the duration of the testing session. All examinees are being monitored and recorded when using our services.
Our security measures include:
Live proctors who conduct periodic walkthroughs of the testing lab
Real-time screen monitoring and recording software installed on every lab computer
High resolution security cameras that provide our proctors with a view of the entire testing lab
Academic Integrity
The Dalton State Testing Center adheres to Dalton State’s Student Code of Conduct. Our Student Conduct policies support learning through ethical development, personal reflection, and social responsibility, as guided by the Student Code of Conduct. We follow Student Conduct’s vision: our community will be a place where all individuals contribute to a safe educational environment, practice academic integrity, and resolve conflict peacefully.
Testing Center staff takes student and community member academic misconduct seriously. Any student or community member caught violating Dalton State’s Academic Misconduct policy will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct and Case Management or to the external test provider issuing the exam.
If our proctors witness students or community members violating Dalton State’s Academic Misconduct policy by cheating or plagiarizing during an exam, we reserve the right to terminate the examinee’s test session without a issuing a refund.
Our proctors are constantly and actively monitoring all test sessions either in-person or through the latest technology. The consequences of academic misconduct are not worth the risk. If you are unsure whether an action in the Testing Center will violate Dalton State’s Academic Misconduct policies, your instructor’s policies, or an external Testing Service’s policy, refer to the full Student Code of Conduct Policy below and always check with Testing Center staff before starting your exam.
Helpful Resources
To view the full Student Code of Conduct Policy, click HERE
For more information about the Student Code of Conduct, including FAQs and Resources, click HERE
To report a violation of the Academic Dishonesty policy, file a reporting form by clicking HERE
To report other violations of Student Conduct, file a reporting form by clicking HERE
To refer a concern about another student, fill out a CARE Team referral by clicking HERE
Testing Services Prioritization
The Dalton State Testing Center gladly proctors exams not only for our students, but for our greater Dalton and Northwest Georgia community members on a daily basis. However, during certain testing periods, such as midterms and finals weeks, our students are top priority. During these busier testing periods, seating is limited and some community exams may be unavailable.
Priority of testing services are as follows:
1. Faculty requested exams during Midterms and Finals weeks for students taking online or hybrid classes
2. Faculty Requested Make-up Exams
3. eCore testing during Midterms and Finals weeks
4. Entrance and Program Admissions exams (ACCUPLACER, ACT-On Campus, TEAS)
5. External exams and Credit-by-Exams for Dalton State Students (CLEP, GACE, DSC Credit-by-Exam Tests)
6. Testing services for non-Dalton State students and the greater Dalton community members (GACE Paraprofessional, ABOR, DSST,)
Test Preparation
The Dalton State Testing Center does not endorse any test preparation courses and has no information on the content or efficacy of test preparation courses designed to prepare examinees to take an exam. However, there are resources on campus to help students prepare for exams.
Peer Education and Tutoring Services
Technology Resources for Dalton State Students
Test Anxiety Study Skills Library
For all exams offered by outside agencies or testing companies, check with their websites for relevant and up-to-date study guides.
Disability Access for Testing
The Dalton State Testing Center can provide testing accommodations such as extended time and distraction-free testing rooms to individuals receiving disability accommodations.
If you require disability accommodations for testing, please register with Andrea Roberson in Disability Access and Student Support Services, 706-272-2524 or [email protected] prior to scheduling your exam.
You must present your completed accommodations letter before receiving testing accommodations.
Click HERE for more Disability Access information.
College-Level Course Placement
Dalton State Admissions uses the following College-Level Course Placement exams to place incoming or returning students in first-year courses based on their scores.
General Information
The Accuplacer (formerly the COMPASS exam) is a standardized entrance exam provided by College Board and designed to assess a Dalton State applicants’ knowledge in Mathematics, Reading, and Writing. Accuplacer scores are used by admissions for college-level course placement. The Math and Reading sections of the Accuplacer are not timed, while the Writing section has a 1 hour time limit.
Accuplacer Score Results
Most examinees will receive their Accuplacer score results immediately. However, if the examinee took the Accuplacer Next Generation Writing Section, this section must occasionally be graded manually. Accuplacer scores generally are delivered to Dalton State Admissions within 24 hours.
To interpret your Accuplacer scores, check the links below:
Accuplacer Next Generation Math Scores
Accuplacer Next Generation Reading Scores
Accuplacer Next Generation Writing Scores
Examinees should also consult with their advisors to interpret their test results.
Policy and Procedures
Examinees must bring the following items to the Testing Center on your exam date:
- A valid government issued photo ID
- A student ID number
Testing Center staff will provide scratch paper and pencils. Calculators are not permitted, but the Accuplacer software includes an on-screen digital calculator for the mathematics section.
A student’s Dalton State Student ID number (900#) is required for signing into Accuplacer testing software. If you do not know your DSC ID number, check your NEST Portal or Dalton State’s Check my Admission Status Tool in Banner.
Dalton State provides one attempt on the Accuplacer for all prospective and entering students free of charge.
A $30 proctoring fee is required for all subsequent attempts, and students re-taking the Accuplacer must schedule their appointment as an Accuplacer Retest. Failure to schedule correctly will invalidate re-take scores.
For first time Accuplacer examinees, click here to schedule the exam. Select Entrance Exams > Accuplacer.
For re-taking the Accuplacer, click here. Select Entrance Exams > Accuplacer Retest.
ACT-On Campus (ACT-R)
General Information
The ACT On-Campus (formerly the ACT-R) test is an alternative to the national ACT test that enables colleges to proctor and immediately self-score an ACT test form any day of the week, on their campus.
Please note: ACT On-Campus results may be used only at the college that administers the exam. Score results are not transferable to other institutions.
The ACT On-Campus Exam is a 3.5 hour standardized exam. It measures English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science skills that students have developed and needed to be academically successful. Dalton State Admissions requires all students entering a transfer degree program that have been out of high school for less than 5 years have up-to-date ACT scores.
Policy and Procedures
The ACT On-Campus is administered at Dalton State College on dates set by the college. If you plan to apply to any other institution, you must take the National ACT (not offered at the DSC Testing Center). Unlike the National ACT, ACT On-Campus scores are used solely for DSC admissions and course placement.
This exam may only be taken once every 60 days and a total of 12 times.
Examinees must bring the following items to their ACT On-Campus appointment:
- A valid government issued photo ID
- A permitted calculator for the mathematics section of the exam. Please review the permitted list of calculators. If your calculator is not listed, the Dalton State Testing Center can provide you with a permitted calculator free of charge.
You must pay the required exam fees through the Testing Center’s registration page at the time of scheduling.
The ACT On-Campus fee is $65, and it is nonrefundable. Please arrive at least 15 minutes early for check-in.
To prepare for the ACT On-Campus, visit ACT’s preparation page by clicking here.
Click here to schedule the ACT On-Campus. Select Entrance Exams > ACT On-Campus.
Credit-by-exam is an alternative method for earning academic credit. Students who have competencies or skills equivalent ot those required for the completion of courses offered by Dalton State may receive course credit through a “credit-by-examination” test. In skill and vocational areas, such levels of proficiency often result from work experiences or previous training. In academic areas, competencies may result from independent study, rigorous high school preparation, or exceptional intellectual ability. Course credit can only be earned through credit-by-examination by currently enrolled Dalton State students. Check the Credit-by-Examination Policy tab below for more information.
Credit-by-Examination Policy
Course Credit Policy
Dalton State awards course credit through:
- Institutional examinations
- The College Board Achievement Test and Advanced Placement Program (AP)
- The College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
- The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma.
Credit-by-Examination General Policies
The following policies govern credit-by-examination:
- Credit is awarded only to students admitted to Dalton State and is officially recorded only for those who enroll for credit courses.
- Credit-by-examination is awarded only for courses offered by Dalton State.
- Credit is not awarded if a comparable course has been completed at Dalton State. Conversely, previously awarded credit-by-examination is forfeited by completing a comparable course at Dalton State.
- Credit-by-examination is an award of semester credit hours but carries no letter grade or quality points.
- A student may take the proficiency examination for a course only once.
- A student may not take a proficiency examination if the student has previously enrolled in the course, or the student is currently enrolled in the course.
- Each School or Department is responsible for determining the achievement level of students taking institutional examinations and for recommending the award of credit in writing to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
- Official scores earned on the SAT II, the Advanced Placement Program, the International Baccalaureate Diploma, and the CLEP examinations must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar for evaluation. Dalton State College has created its own policy for credit award based on University of Georgia guidelines. A current list of those scores is maintained by the Office of Enrollment Services.
- Students receiving transfer credit for HIST 2111 or HIST 2112 and/or and who have NOT graduated from a Georgia high school must pass an institutional examination on Georgia History and/or the Georgia Constitution to satisfy the State of Georgia legislative requirements, unless transfer credit is awarded for these courses taken at a University System of Georgia institution. Transferring students who may have successfully completed college-level course work dedicated to Georgia History or the Georgia Constitution are exempt from these examinations.
CLEP Exams
General Information
A CLEP is a credit-by-examination offered by College Board. CLEP exams measure the competencies or skills equivalent to those required for the completion of college-level courses. Passing a CLEP can allow a student to receive credit for an entire course. Check your institution’s credit-by-exam policy before taking a CLEP exam.
Policy Information
The following policies govern all credit-by-examination at Dalton State:
- Credit is awarded only to students admitted to Dalton State and is officially recorded only for those who enroll for credit courses.
- Credit-by-examination is awarded only for courses offered by Dalton State.
- A student may not take a proficiency examination if the student has previously enrolled in the course, or the student is currently enrolled in the course.
- Credit is not awarded if a comparable course has been completed at Dalton State. Conversely, previously awarded credit-by-examination is forfeited by completing a comparable course at Dalton State.
- Credit-by-examination is an award of semester credit hours but carries no letter grade or quality points.
- A student may take the proficiency examination for a course only once in a 90 day period.
CLEP Credit Information
CLEP Credit for Dalton State Courses
CLEP Test Dalton State Course Minimum Passing Score Credit Hours Awarded
Financial Accounting ACCT 2101 ACCT 2102 55 6
College Composition w/Essay ENGL 1101 50 w/ passing Essay 3
English Literature ENGL 2120 55 3
American Literature ENGL 2131 55 3
French FREN 1002 50 3
FREN 1002, 2001,2002 65 9
Spanish SPAN 1002 50 3
SPAN 1002, 2001, 2002 65 9
Algebra MATH 1111 50 3
Precalculus MATH 1113 50 3
Calculus MATH 2253 50 4
Biology BIOL 1107, 1108 50 8
Chemistry CHEM 1211 50 4
Western Civilization I HIST 1111 50 3
Western Civilization II HIST 1112 50 3
History of the United States I HIST 2111 50 * 3
History of the United States II HIST 2112 50* 3
American Government POLS 1101 50* 3
Introduction to Psychology PSYC 1101 50 3
Human Growth & Development PSYC 2103 50 3
Introduction to Sociology SOCI 1101 50 3
*Students receiving CLEP for American Government and /or History of the United States must validate proficiency of legislative requirements by passing an exemption exam. A passing score on the CLEP examinations in American Government and History of the United States I and II does not include credit for the student’s having satisfied the Georgia history requirement or the Georgia constitution requirement.
To prepare for a CLEP exam, visit Modern States provides a series of free, online CLEP preparation courses.
On the day of your CLEP exam, please bring a valid, government issued photo ID, such as a license or passport, and a CLEP test ticket issued by College Board. You must purchase the ticket before scheduling your appointment.
There are two fees associated with the CLEP exam: an $89.00 exam fee and a $28.50 proctor fee.
A $89.00 exam fee is paid to College Board prior to scheduling to take your exam in the Testing Center. You must visit the College Board website and create an account in order to purchase a CLEP exam ticket.
A $28.50 proctor fee must be paid through the Dalton State Testing Center website at the time of scheduling. The $28.50 proctor fee is nonrefundable. Please arrive at least 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment time for check-in.
Click here to create your College Board CLEP account to purchase your CLEP ticket prior to scheduling your exam with Dalton State.
Click here to schedule your appointment for the CLEP Exam at the Dalton State Testing Center. Select Other Proctored Exams > CLEP.
Georgia Constitution
General Information
The State of Georgia requires that all persons receiving a degree from an institution within the University System of Georgia to show a proficiency in the constitutions of the United States and Georgia. Students who pass a POLS 1101 course at a USG Institution automatically satisfy this requirement. Students who have transferred from outside of a USG Institution must either take a POLS 1101 course OR pass the Georgia Constitution examination to satisfy this requirement. Even though the out-of-state courses transfer in as the equivalent courses for POLS 1101, out-of-state transfer students must still satisfy the Georgia constitution requirement.
Students do not receive a POLS 1101 course credit for this exam.
The George Constitution exam is multiple choice test consisting of 33 questions. A student must earn a score of at least 60 percent to pass the exam. A student who does not pass the exam after multiple attempts should plan to to take POLS 1101 to meet the Georgia Constitution requirement. The Georgia Constitution exam is delivered via Georgia View.
The legislative areas will be listed in Degree Works or on the student’s academic advising record. A student requiring the Georgia Constitution exam credit for graduation should talk to their academic advisor soon after transferring into a USG Institution to begin planning for the Georgia Constitution exam. This requirement must be satisfied before graduation, so a student needing this degree requirement should begin the process early to avoid any potential delays.
Permitted Items
A student need only bring a valid government issued photo ID to the exam appointment. All other personal items should be left at home or secured in the student’s vehicle. The Testing Center can also provide a secured locker.
To prepare for the Georgia Constitution Exam, please make use of the following resources:
- “Georgia’s Constitution and Government,” 9th edition by Engstrom, Howard and Fleishman, published by the University of Georgia Press, ISBN: 0820347183.
– A copy of this book on reserve at the Derrell C. Roberts Library. The book is also available for purchase through the University of Georgia Press and Amazon. Click HERE to purchase the book on Amazon. - Study guides available on the Georgia Constitution Georgia View page.An eBook version of the 9th edition, as well as a PDF of the 6th edition, are located in the Content area of the GeorgiaVIEW course for the exam under “Review Materials.” Please note, the 6th edition does not cover the most recent changes to the Georgia Constitution, therefore students are better off using the 9th edition online.
Dalton State students are not required to pay a proctor fee for this exam.
Please note: Potential test takers must send the Dalton State Testing Center an email to be added to the Georgia View Constitution Exam course module BEFORE scheduling the Georgia Constitution exam. This email must include the student’s full name, student ID number, and Dalton State email address. A student who does not contact the Testing Center first will be asked to reschedule the exam when arriving for their appointment.
To schedule the Georgia Constitution exam, click here.
On the scheduling page, select Dalton State Exams > Credit-by-Exams > Georgia Constitution.
A student needing to retake the Georgia Constitution exam must wait at least 24 hours between attempts.
Georgia History
General Information
The State of Georgia requires that all persons receiving a degree from an institution within the University System of Georgia to show a proficiency in the history of the United States and Georgia. Students who pass a HIST 2111 or a HIST 2112 course at a USG Institution automatically satisfy this requirement. Students who have transferred from outside of a USG Institution must either take a HIST 2111 or a HIST 2112 course at a USG Institution OR pass the Georgia History exam to satisfy this requirement. Even though the out-of-state courses transfer in as the equivalent courses for HIST 2111 or HIST 2112, out-of-state transfer students must still satisfy the Georgia History requirement. Students do not receive a HIST 2000 course credit for this exam.
The Georgia History exam is a multiple choice exam consisting of 30 questions. A student must earn a score of at least 60 percent to pass the exam. A student who does not pass the exam after multiple attempts should plan to to take either HIST 2111 or HIST 2112 to meet the Georgia History requirement at a USG institution or TCSH institution. The Georgia History exam is delivered via GeorgiaView.
The legislative areas will be listed in Degree Works or on the student’s academic advising record. Students needing the Georgia History requirement should talk to their academic advisor soon after transferring into a USG Institution to begin planning for the Georgia History exam. This requirement must be satisfied before graduation, so students needing this degree requirement should begin the process early to avoid any potential delays.
Permitted Items
A student need only bring a valid government issued photo ID to the exam appointment. All other personal items should be left at home or secured in the student’s vehicle. The Testing Center can also provide a secured locker.
In preparation for the exam, students are encouraged to review Georgia Odyssey: A Short History of the State, 2nd edition, by James Cobb (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2008) and/or the New Georgia Encyclopedia (click HERE).
A study guide along with links to both of these resources is also available in the Content area of the GeorgiaVIEW course for the exam under Review Materials.
Dalton State students are not required to pay a proctor fee for this exam.
Please note: Potential test takers must send the Dalton State Testing Center an email to be added to the Georgia View History Exam course module BEFORE scheduling the Georgia History exam. This email must include the student’s full name, student ID number, and Dalton State email address. A student who does not contact the Testing Center first will be asked to reschedule the exam when arriving for their appointment.
To schedule the Georgia Constitution exam, click here.
On the scheduling page, select Dalton State Exams > Credit-by-Exams > Georgia History.
A student needing to retake the Georgia History exam must wait at least 24 hours between attempts.
Anatomy and Physiology 1 (BIOL 2251K)
General Information
Dalton State offers the BIOL 2251K Challenge Exam for prospective nursing students in cases where their A&P 1 credits either do not transfer or have expired. Students who pass this exam do not receive a grade or course credit, but their exam grade will satisfy the School of Nursing’s admissions requirements for the A&P 1 credit.
Students only have one attempt to pass this exam. If the student does not pass the exam on the first attempt, they must enroll in and pass the BIOL 2251 K course to receive an A&P 1 credit at Dalton State.
This exam is delivered via Georgia View. A Georgia View account is required to access the exam.
Permitted Items
Students need only bring a valid government issued photo ID to their exam appointment. All other personal items should be left at home or secured in the student’s vehicle. The Testing Center can also provide students with a secured locker.
Students can access study material and exam preparation for the BIOL 2251K Challenge Exam via the exam’s Georgia View course module.
Exam Results and Grading
For prompt grading or questions about your exam results, please email Dr. Andrew Meyer at [email protected].
The fee for the BIOL 2251K Challenge Exam is $53.50. The fee must be paid at the time of scheduling.
Please note: Students must send the Dalton State Testing Center an email to be added to the Georgia View A&P 1 Challenge Exam course module BEFORE scheduling this exam. This email must include the student’s full name, student ID number, and Dalton State email address. Students who do not have a Dalton State student ID, email address, or are not currently enrolled or accepted at Dalton State must wait until Admissions processes their application before scheduling. Students who do not contact the Testing Center first will be asked to reschedule their exam when arriving for their appointment.
To email the Testing Center, click HERE.
Dalton State no longer offers this exam remotely. Students must take this exam in-person at in the Testing Center.
To schedule the BIOL 2251k Challenge Exam, click here. On the scheduling page, select Dalton State Exams > Credit-by-Exams > Anatomy and Physiology 1. Students are not permitted to retake this exam.
Anatomy and Physiology 2 (BIOL 2252K)
General Information
Dalton State offers the BIOL 2252K Challenge Exam for prospective nursing students in cases where their A&P 2 credits either do not transfer or have expired. Students who pass this exam do not receive a grade or course credit, but their exam grade will satisfy the School of Nursing’s admissions requirements for the A&P 2 credit.
Students only have one attempt to pass this exam. If the student does not pass the exam on the first attempt, they must enroll in and pass the BIOL 2252K course to receive an A&P 2 credit at Dalton State.
This exam is delivered via Georgia View. A Georgia View account is required to access the exam.
Permitted Items
Students need only bring a valid government issued photo ID to their exam appointment. All other personal items should be left at home or secured in the student’s vehicle. The Testing Center can also provide students with a secured locker.
Students can access study material and exam preparation for the BIOL 2252K Challenge Exam via the exam’s Georgia View course module.
Exam Results and Grading
For prompt grading or questions about your exam results, please email Dr. Andrew Meyer at [email protected].
The fee for the BIOL 2252K Challenge Exam is $53.50. The fee must be paid at the time of scheduling.
Please note: Students must send the Dalton State Testing Center an email to be added to the Georgia View A&P 2 Challenge Exam course module BEFORE scheduling this exam. This email must include the student’s full name, student ID number, and Dalton State email address. Students who do not have a Dalton State student ID, email address, or are not currently enrolled or accepted at Dalton State must wait until Admissions processes their application before scheduling. Students who do not contact the Testing Center first will be asked to reschedule their exam when arriving for their appointment.
To email the Testing Center, click HERE.
Dalton State no longer offers this exam remotely. Students must take this exam in-person at in the Testing Center.
To schedule the BIOL 2252k Challenge Exam, click here. On the scheduling page, select Dalton State Exams > Credit-by-Exams > Anatomy and Physiology 2. Students are not permitted to retake this exam.
General Information
Dalton State offers the BIOL 2252K Challenge Exam for prospective nursing students in cases where their A&P 2 credits either do not transfer or have expired. Students who pass this exam do not receive a grade or course credit, but their exam grade will satisfy the School of Nursing’s admissions requirements for the A&P 2 credit.
Students only have one attempt to pass this exam. If the student does not pass the exam on the first attempt, they must enroll in and pass the BIOL 2252K course to receive an A&P 2 credit at Dalton State.
This exam is delivered via Georgia View. A Georgia View account is required to access the exam.
Permitted Items
Students need only bring a valid government issued photo ID to their exam appointment. All other personal items should be left at home or secured in the student’s vehicle. The Testing Center can also provide students with a secured locker.
Students can access study material and exam preparation for the BIOL 2252K Challenge Exam via the exam’s Georgia View course module.
Exam Results and Grading
For prompt grading or questions about your exam results, please email Dr. Andrew Meyer at [email protected].
The fee for the BIOL 2252K Challenge Exam is $53.50. The fee must be paid at the time of scheduling.
Please note: Students must send the Dalton State Testing Center an email to be added to the Georgia View A&P 2 Challenge Exam course module BEFORE scheduling this exam. This email must include the student’s full name, student ID number, and Dalton State email address. Students who do not have a Dalton State student ID, email address, or are not currently enrolled or accepted at Dalton State must wait until Admissions processes their application before scheduling. Students who do not contact the Testing Center first will be asked to reschedule their exam when arriving for their appointment.
To email the Testing Center, click HERE.
Dalton State no longer offers this exam remotely. Students must take this exam in-person at in the Testing Center.
To schedule the BIOL 2252k Challenge Exam, click here. On the scheduling page, select Dalton State Exams > Credit-by-Exams > Anatomy and Physiology 2. Students are not permitted to retake this exam.
Principles of Biology 2 (BIOL 1108)
Microbiology (BIOL 2260)
General Information
Dalton State offers the BIOL 2260 Challenge Exam for prospective nursing students in cases where their Microbiology credit either does not transfer or has expired. Students who pass this exam do not receive a grade or course credit, but their exam grade will satisfy the School of Nursing’s admissions requirements for the Microbiology credit.
Students only have one attempt to pass this exam. If the student does not pass the exam on the first attempt, they must enroll in and pass the BIOL 2260 course to receive a Microbiology credit at Dalton State.
This exam is delivered via Georgia View. A Georgia View account is required to access the exam.
Permitted Items
Students need only bring a valid government issued photo ID to their exam appointment. All other personal items should be left at home or secured in the student’s vehicle. The Testing Center can also provide students with a secured locker.
Students can access study material and exam preparation for the BIOL 2260 Challenge Exam via the exam’s Georgia View course module.
Exam Results and Grading
For prompt grading or questions about your exam results, please email Dr. Kerry Dunbar at [email protected]
The fee for the BIOL 2260 Challenge Exam is $53.50. The fee must be paid at the time of scheduling.
Please note: Students must send the Dalton State Testing Center an email to be added to the Georgia View Microbiology Challenge Exam course module BEFORE scheduling this exam. This email must include the student’s full name, student ID number, and Dalton State email address. Students who do not have a Dalton State student ID, email address, or are not currently enrolled or accepted at Dalton State must wait until Admissions processes their application before scheduling. Students who do not contact the Testing Center first will be asked to reschedule their exam when arriving for their appointment.
To email the Testing Center, click HERE.
Dalton State no longer offers this exam remotely. Students must take this exam in-person at in the Testing Center.
To schedule the BIOL 2260 Challenge Exam, click here. On the scheduling page, select Dalton State Exams > Credit-by-Exams > Microbiology. Students are not permitted to retake this exam.
Medical Terminology
SPAN 2034
Other Proctored Exams:
Remote Learning and Proctored Exams from Other Institutions
General Information
The Dalton State Testing Center will gladly proctor exams for remote students, independent studies, and AAB test takers attending other colleges and universities. All students and test takers are welcome to use our testing site.
Policies and Procedures
When scheduling an exam for another institution, test takers must obtain permission from their instructor and notify them before scheduling an appointment at Dalton State College. Test takers must also notify the Dalton State Testing Center before scheduling.
Arrangements must be made between the test taker and their instructor to have the exam sent to Dalton State College. The test taker’s instructor must contact Dalton State Testing Staff for verification before the test taker schedules an exam.
Please keep in mind that most institutions require a 10-day advance notice to ensure the delivery of an exam before a chosen exam date.
A valid government issued photo ID is required to test in the Dalton State Testing center.
Mailing and Contact Information
Electronic exams can be e-mailed to [email protected]
Test takers must provide return postage for their exams in cases where their institution does cover the cost.
Testing Staff can be reached by phone at 706-272-2606
Paper exams can be mailed to:
Dalton State College
Testing Center (SEQ 201)
650 College Dr.
Dalton, GA 30720
The proctoring fee for these exams vary depending on exam length. The test taker will be required to pay the fee at the time of scheduling. Please see the scheduling information below for more information.
When scheduling an exam for another institution, you must obtain permission from your instructor and notify them that you intend to take your exam at Dalton State College. Test takers must also notify Dalton State Testing Center before scheduling.
To schedule a proctored exam, click here to visit the Dalton State Testing Center’s registration page. On the scheduling page, select
Other Proctored Exams > Other Proctored Exams > __ to __ Hour Exam (Choose the allowed time limit for your exam. The time limit will determine the exam fee).
General Information
Electronic Core-Curriculum (eCore) allows University System of Georgia (USG) students the opportunity to complete a wide variety of general education courses remotely online. eCore courses are designed, developed, taught and supported by faculty and staff from the USG. Some eCore midterms or finals must be proctored on-site at a USG testing center. The Dalton State Testing Center is one of several local USG testing centers where students can take their eCore exams in a secure, proctored environment.
Test Preparation
Students taking eCore exams should prepare by reviewing their notes, assigned readings, and course material prior to their exam date. Dalton State Testing Center does not provide any study material, exam content information, or test preparation tips. When in doubt, consult with your instructor before your exam date.
All fees for eCore exams must be paid to eCampus at the time of scheduling.
Do not pay or schedule your eCore exam through the Dalton State Testing Center’s registration page.
Dalton State Testing Staff cannot schedule eCore exams for students.
Students must schedule eCore exams through their course’s GoVIEW via SmarterProctoring.
For more information, the student should check the course syllabus or the Course Resources Content module located within the GoVIEW course.
Please note: Do not attempt to schedule eCore exams through the Dalton State Testing Center’s registration page.
Professional Certifications
GACE Paraprofessional
General Information
The GACE Paraprofessional assessment measures the skills and knowledge in reading, writing, and math possessed by prospective and practicing paraprofessionals. It also measures their ability to apply those skills and knowledge when assisting in classroom instruction.
The exam consists of 90 questions in reading, writing, and math. The exam is 2.5 hours in length.
The GACE Paraprofessional exam is taken by prospective and practicing paraprofessionals to demonstrate that they are knowledgeable in reading, writing, and math, and that they are capable of assisting in classroom instruction.
Paraprofessionals serving in an instructional capacity in the State of Georgia are required by law to:
- Hold at least an associate of arts degree, or
- Have completed two years of college coursework (60 semester hours), or
- Demonstrate through a state or local academic assessment that they are knowledgeable in reading, writing, and math and are capable of assisting in classroom instruction.
Visit the GACE paraprofessional website for more information.
Please do not bring any items to the test except for a valid Government issued ID.
All personal belongings and electronic devices will be locked in a secure locker for the duration of the exam. No food or drinks are permitted in the testing lab.
Dalton State charges a $79.50 fee for the GACE Paraprofessional exam. This fee includes the cost of the exam and a proctoring fee. Testing candidates will be prompted to pay this fee on the Dalton State exam registration page at the time of scheduling.
Visit the Gace Paraprofessional website for exam preparation and study material. The Dalton State Testing Center does not offer any study material, information about exam content, or preparation tips for the GACE Paraprofessional exam.
The Dalton State Testing Center offers the GACE Paraprofessional exam during our most regular testing hours, by appointment only.
If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please do so ahead of your exam date. You will not be refunded the fees associated with the GACE Paraprofessional exam if you do not show up for your appointment or cancel.
To schedule an appointment online, click here. Choose Other Proctored Exams > GACE Parapro.
Microsoft Office Specialist Exams (MOS)
General Information
Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Exams
Microsoft Office Specialist certification program exams validate a testing candidate’s ability to use the features of Microsoft Office application at the professional level. Candidates who pass the certification exam show that they comprehend up-to-date technologies and meet globally recognized performance standards.
The certification can provide proof of a job applicant’s or employee’s knowledge and abilities using Microsoft Office software.
The certification exams offered at Dalton State include Specialist and Expert certifications in all Microsoft Office products, including:
- Excel
- Word
- Outlook
- Power Point
- Access
- OneNote
- SharePoint
Some of the key benefits of a certification include:
- Validation of knowledge
- Increased marketability
- Increased earning power
- Enhanced academic performance
Certiport also offers certification exams for other popular software, such as Apple, Adobe, and Intuit products (such as Quickbooks and Turbotax).
Click here to visit the Certiport website for study materials and practice projects.
There are two fees associated with all Certiport MOS Exams: a $20 non-refundable proctoring fee and $125 Certiport exam voucher fee.
Before scheduling an MOS exam, testing candidates need to create a Certiport account and pay for a testing voucher by visiting the Certiport MOS Website. The cost for an exam voucher is $125, and it includes one retake code.
After payment, Certiport will email the exam voucher number in a confirmation email.
Click here to schedule the MOS exam. Select Other Proctored Exams >MOS. Specify in the box provided which Certiport exam you want to take (Excel, Word, Access, Quickbooks etc.).
The testing candidate will need to enter a voucher code purchased from Certiport at the time of scheduling.
General Information
The Praxis tests measure a teacher candidate’s knowledge and subject-specific content knowledge needed for teaching. Each Praxis assessment reflects what educators across the United States believe to be important for new teachers.
Program Admissions and Exit Exams: Gace, GRE, LSAT, MAT, PRAXIS, TEAS
GACE Program Admissions
General Information
The Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators (GACE) is Georgia’s state-approved educator certification assessment program. These computer-delivered assessments have been developed by the GaPSC and Educational Testing Service (ETS).
GACE exams are designed to test the competency of entering educators in a given subject area. These exams are also intended for educators who need additional credits or to refresh their certifications. Visit the GACE website by clicking here for more information.
Please do not bring any items to your exam appointment except for the GACE admission ticket and a government issued photo ID.
Click here for more information about ETS’s acceptable ID policy.
ETS Security Policies and Procedures
Click here for a full list of ETS’s up-to-date security policies and procedures.
ETS requires all GACE testing candidates to have their photo taken by testing staff prior to beginning the exam.
ETS requires also our testing staff to conduct a full-body metal detector scan on all GACE testing candidates with a metal detecting wand.
Please note: If you refuse the metal detector body scan, you will not be permitted to test. If you have a medical condition which forbids or interferes with a metal detector scan, please let our staff know.
Testing candidates are not permitted to wear hats, jackets, or watches while testing. All personal items and food or drinks must be left at home or secured in the testing candidate’s vehicle. Testing Center staff can provide a secured locker for the testing candidate’s personal belongings as needed.
Click here to visit the GACE website for study material and exam preparation. The Dalton State Testing Center cannot provide study material, exam content information, or test preparation tips for GACE exams.
You are not required to pay a proctor fee to Dalton State for this exam. All fees and payments for GACE exams must be made to ETS prior to scheduling. Fees vary for each GACE exam.
Each GACE exam is offered during several rotating testing “windows” throughout the year. Some exams are only on rotation for a short period. Others are offered nearly year-round.
Click here for more information about scheduling a GACE exam. Testing candidates must schedule a GACE exam by following the registration instructions on the ETS GACE website.
Please do not attempt to schedule through the Dalton State Testing Center’s scheduling page.
Graduate Readiness Exam (GRE Test)
General Information
The Graduate Readiness Exam (GRE Test) is the world’s most widely used admissions test for graduate and professional school. The GRE Test is a standardized test created and administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) designed to measure a testing candidates overall academic readiness for graduate school. GRE Test scores are used by admissions or fellowship panels to supplement your undergraduate records, recommendation letters and other qualifications for graduate-level study. Check with your prospective graduate school for their specific requirements regarding the GRE Test.
ETS Security Policies and Procedures
ETS requires all testing candidates to provide our testing staff with a valid government issued photo ID prior to beginning the GRE Test. Click here for more information about ETS’s acceptable ID policy.
All personal belongings and food or drink must be left at home or secured in the testing candidate’s vehicle. Our testing staff can provide secured lockers for testing candidates’ personal belongings as needed.
Click here to visit the ETS GRE Test website for test preparation information and study materials. The Dalton State Testing Center cannot provide study material, exam content information, or preparation tips for the GRE Test.
Testing candidates are not required to pay a proctor fee to Dalton State for the GRE Test. All fees and payments for the GRE Test must be made to ETS prior to scheduling.
The GRE Test is available only during certain testing “windows” several times throughout year. Testing candidates must schedule the GRE Test by creating an account ETS’s GRE website.
To schedule your GRE Test, click here to visit the ETS GRE account creation page. Do not attempt to schedule the GRE Test through the Dalton State Testing Center’s scheduling page.
Miller Analogies Test (MAT)
General Information
The Miller Analogies Test (MAT) is a standardized test provided by Pearson Education that assesses the analytical thinking ability of graduate school candidates — an ability that is critical for success in both graduate school and professional life. The MAT helps graduate schools identify candidates whose knowledge and abilities go beyond mere memorizing and repeating information.
The MAT tests an examinee’s verbal reasoning skills. The exam is 60 minutes in length and consists of 120 questions.
Examinees must bring a valid government issued photo ID to their appointment. No other items are necessary or allowed in the testing lab during the MAT.
Click here to visit Pearson Education’s MAT website for test preparation, practice tests, and study guides. The Dalton State Testing Center cannot provide study material, exam content information, or test preparation tips for the MAT.Fees
The proctoring fee for the MAT is $88.50, due at the time of scheduling.
The MAT is not currently available at the Dalton State Testing Center. Please check back in with us at a later date as we are working to offer the MAT again.
Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS)
General Information
The ATI TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) is standardized exam designed specifically to assess a student’s preparedness entering health science fields. Dalton State and other universities often require the TEAS for admittance into Nursing Programs.
The TEAS is divided into four sections by subject area: Reading, Mathematics, Science, and English and Language Usage. The exam is comprised of 170 questions, with 209 minutes in allocated testing time. Question types include multiple choice, multiple select (select all that apply), fill in the blank, ordered response and hot spots.
Currently, the Dalton State Testing Center only proctors the in-person, online version of the TEAS exam.
TEAS Testing Policies and Procedures
Examinees should bring only a valid government issued photo ID to their exam appointment. The examinee must also know their ATI Testing login information to access the examination. The Testing Center supplies each TEAS examinee with scratch paper and pencils, but examinees may also use two of their own #2 pencils. No other items are permitted in the testing lab during a TEAS exam session.
Calculators are not permitted, but the TEAS software provides an on-screen calculator for the Mathematics section.
To prepare for the TEAS, visit the ATI Testing website by clicking here. The Dalton State Testing Center cannot provide study material, exam content information, or test preparation tips for the TEAS.
TEAS Exam Quick Facts
The Dalton State Testing Center provides examinees a brief guide covering frequently asked questions about the TEAS exam, such as ATI account creation and a how-to guide for scheduling the TEAS. To access the TEAS Quick Facts PDF, click HERE.
Examinees who are unable to access the document can email the Testing Center to receive a copy.
TEAS Scoring
The TEAS is graded automatically by ATI Testing, and examinees should receive their results immediately upon completion of the TEAS. The Testing Center cannot not provide or interpret TEAS scores. Nursing School applicants should check with the School’s admissions or their advisor to ensure their scores meet the Nursing School’s program admissions criteria.
Retake Policy
The Dalton State School of Nursing allows their applicants to retake the TEAS without a waiting period. However, an examinee wishing to retake the TEAS must still schedule again with the Testing Center and pay all required fees in advance. An examinee retaking the TEAS must inform Testing Center staff which retake attempt they are taking before starting a TEAS retake.
The fee for the ATI TEAS exam is $115. Payments must be made at the time of scheduling on the ATI TEAS website. Examinees do not pay the Dalton State Testing Center for the TEAS exam.
Examinees must register for and schedule the TEAS by creating an account on the ATI TEAS website. Click here to start creating an ATI TEAS account. Do not attempt to schedule or pay for the TEAS through the Dalton State Testing Center’s registration page.
Please note that the ATI TEAS has a strict rescheduling policy. For more information, click here.