Campus Life - Fitness Classes - Dalton State College

Dalton State College

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Campus Life

Fitness Classes

Fitness Classes and Mind & Body Programs
Please read the disclaimer on the Fitness and Wellness program page.
You are participating at your own risk and are responsible for what you can and cannot do.

Fitness Programs:
30 Days to Fabulous & Fit Challenge!
Challenge yourself to a 30-day streak of being active with your wellness! Choose your goals: healthy eating, being more physically active, meditation and yoga, moving more! Just log your achievements. Follow, share, and learn on the Teams page (registered participants only), & achieve!

Disclaimer: You are exercising at your own risk. Please be sure to check with you doctor before participating if you meet at least 2 of the following health conditions; if you are 45 (men) or 55 (women) years or older, pregnant, diabetic, HBP, or other major medical issues. *Please read the disclaimer posted on the Fitness and Wellness programs page.

Check out the "Your Best Self" programs page for more wellness programs.

Contact Us

Garrett Burgne

Garrett Burgner
Executive Director
706-272-2504 phone
706-272-2530 fax
