Public Safety
Department of Public Safety
The Dalton State Police Department strives to be a professional organization that works in cooperation with the Dalton State community to provide a safe environment where people may pursue academic and personal growth.

All Dalton State Police Officers complete formal training at a police academy for certification by the Georgia Peace Officers Standards and Training Council.
Each year, the Dalton State Police Department officers complete specific training that may include criminal procedures, interviews and interrogations, terrorism courses, specific courses for investigating sexual assaults and property crimes, CPR/AED, life safety and many other types of training.
Use of Force and De-escalation training are required of all sworn law enforcement officers in the state. Officers must also complete a minimum of two hours Community Policing training every year and Dalton State officers complete reoccurring cultural awareness training which helps officers explore how their own background and experience may influence how they relate to others, with the goal of increasing trust and respect between the public and the law enforcement community.
Dalton State Police Officers have completed the Georgia Bureau of Investigations Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training. CIT equips Georgia law enforcement officers with the skills to assist people with mental illness, co-occurring disorders, substance abuse, developmental disorders or other brain disorders who are in crisis, thereby advancing public safety and reducing stigma.

Utilizing CIT, we focus on the following objectives:
- Ensure people with mental illnesses and other brain disorders receive treatment, in lieu of incarceration whenever possible.
- Protect the rights of people with mental illness and other brain disorders.
- Promote adequate training for our personnel about mental illness, developmental disabilities, Alzheimer’s disease and substance abuse.
- Work to ensure people with mental illness transition into an environment that can help them.
The Dalton State Police Department also stays abreast of changing laws and law enforcement practices through:
- Regular meetings with the USG Safety and Security Division
- Working with local first responders
- Membership in the Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police
- Participation in the Georgia Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators training

Prepare Boldly
Severe Weather Information:
During severe weather such as tornados, move to the lowest level of the building along interior walls if possible away from glass windows and doors.
** Use your best judgment when driving or when outside during severe weather. Please update your personal information in Banner and sign up for the Roadrunner Alert emergency notification system to receive critical campus information. In the event of a delay or closing, students should contact their professor(s) immediately.