Student Assistance

The Dean of Student’s Office is dedicated to student success and retention through the facilitation of students’ understanding and use of college systems and resources. Knowledgeable staff assist and empower students in conducting theircollege affairs by listening and analyzing students’ issues, questions or concerns, talking with students to help devise a problem-solving strategy and referring students to appropriate staff members and departments.

Student Resources

The Dalton State Foundation and Dean of Students Office have partnered to create the Roadrunner Student Emergency Fund to support Dalton State students who have demonstrated severe financial need.

Learn more about how to request funds or make a donation, here.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) was enacted to give students access to their education records and to protect their privacy. Unless a student is legally dependent, the university is prohibited by FERPA from releasing student account information to a parent or guardian or other unauthorized third party without the student’s consent.

Students who wish to authorize an individual to have access to their student records should complete the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Waiver in the Dean of Students office. For more information regarding access to student records, visit the Registrar.

The Nest is home to the Birdfeeder Food Pantry and Career Closet. Any currently enrolled Dalton State student may utilize these resources. The Nest is located in the lower level of the Pope Student Center (near the game room).

Students may request a Hardship Withdrawal when a non-academic emergency situation occurs that prevents them from completing their coursework (e.g., severe medical problems, traumatic events) and when the timing or nature of the emergency prevents them from voluntarily withdrawing from their classes. This option is only available after the drop date has passed.

The full process for hardship withdrawals may be found, here.

For some students, the demands and pressures of their academic experience may be overwhelming and stressful. The emotional and behavioral consequences may appear in classrooms, residence halls or departmental offices.

Dalton State College currently has two reporting outlets for faculty, staff, and students to submit concerns to, in hopes of keeping the campus community safe. You can learn more and refer a concern, here.

The Embark Network at Dalton State provides assistance to students experiencing homelessness or the foster care system. The Embark Network connects students with on and off campus resources for assistance with food insecurity, housing, homeless verification, employment referrals and other services. The Embark Network will work with students to navigate university policies and processes.

Please contact the Dean of Students at 706-272-2505 for assistance or for more information.

The federal CARES Act provides enhanced Unemployment Insurance and Pandemic Unemployment Assistance for those who have lost their jobs as a result of COVID-19. You may be eligible. Here’s what you need to know:

Benefits are Significant 
You may receive an additional $600 per week of unemployment for up to 4 months. This is in addition to existing state unemployment benefits.

Eligibility has Expanded 
The CARES act covers many workers who were not traditionally eligible for unemployment benefits including “gig” workers, freelancers and independent contractors.

Don’t Delay 
Your claim is effective based on when you file for unemployment so do it today.

Apply through the GA Department of Labor 
The Department of Labor determines eligibility for benefits. Certain requirements apply. For more information please visit the Department of Labor COVID-19 site.

The University System of Georgia and Dalton State offer student health insurance options to currently enrolled students. To learn more about student health insurance plans, please visit the United Health Care website.