Thinking about attending Dalton State?

Fall Preview Day is an open-house style event that allows you to get familiar with our campus, faculty, staff and current students! This will be held on November 18, 2023, Saturday at 8:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

Preview Day is a FREE event sponsored by the Office of Enrollment Services. Space is limited. RSVP below!

Experience a Mock Class

Have you ever wondered what it was like to sit in on a real college class? Wonder no more! You’ll experience it at Preview Day.

Overview of the Admission Process

What are your financial aid options? Admission requirements? We’ll help you sort through it all. As a bonus for attending Preview Day, we’ll waive your application fee at our application station!

Breakout Sessions

What resources are available at Dalton State? How can you get involved? What should you expect in my freshman year? During our Breakout Sessions, you’ll get information on campus life, academic support programs and much more.

The Full Scoop on Living on Campus

What’s it like to live on campus at Dalton State? You’ll get the 411 on living in our state-of-the-art residence hall, information on dining plans, and more!

Campus Tour

There’s no better way to get familiar with where you could spend 4 years of your life than by taking a campus tour. This is included in your Preview Day experience. Wear comfortable walking shoes and let’s go!