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Randall Griffus

Professor of Mathematics; Dean, School of Arts & Sciences Peeples Hall, 305D
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • Communication, Performing Arts & Foreign Languages Department
    • Department of Life Science
    • Department of Physical Sciences
    • Department of Social Sciences
    • Department of Technology and Mathematics
    • English Department
    • History Department

Randy Stanton

Auto Specialist Maintenance Building, 100
Administrative Department
  • Plant Operations

Raymond Atkins

Part-time Instructor of English Lorberbaum Hall
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • English Department

Rebecca Brosky

Assistant Professor of Chemistry Peeples Hall, Room 315
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • Department of Physical Sciences

Rebecca Dempsey

Administrative Assistant Ottinger Hall
Administrative Department
  • Dalton State College Foundation

Richard Hambrock

Chair, Department of Technology and Mathematics; Associate Professor of Mathematics Sequoya Hall, 105
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • Department of Technology and Mathematics

Riley Hurd

Admissions Recruiter Westcott Hall, 119
Administrative Department
  • Admissions

Robert Clay

Professor of Mathematics Sequoya Hall, Room 145
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • Department of Technology and Mathematics

Robert Culp

Associate Professor of Economics Gignilliat Hall, Room 207
Academic Department
  • Wright School of Business

Robert Ford

Associate Professor of Mathematics Sequoya Hall, Room 109
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • Department of Technology and Mathematics