Rage’s Study Hall
Rage's Study Hall
Need a designated study space? Join us every Monday in the Mashburn Hall Learning Commons, starting August 26, for Rage’s Study Hall. Check in with the RA at the front desk, grab a snack from the concessions stand and begin your studies.
Read MoreRage's Study Hall
Need a designated study space? Join us every Monday in the Mashburn Hall Learning Commons, starting August 26, for Rage’s Study Hall. Check in with the RA at the front desk, grab a snack from the concessions stand and begin your studies.
Read MoreHealth CARE Matters
Health CARE Matters is a tabling event in collaboration with different departments to offer DSC students information about support and resources for health and mental well-being on campus and in the community. Come and learn ways to take CARE of your body and mind!
Read MoreTake CARE for Finals
This CARE tabling event offers DSC students activities and items to reduce stress and encourage students during finals week.
Read MoreRage's Study Hall
Need a designated study space? Join us every Monday in the Mashburn Hall Learning Commons, starting August 26, for Rage’s Study Hall. Check in with the RA at the front desk, grab a snack from the concessions stand and begin your studies.
Read MoreLAA Mohawk Scholarship Day
Learn more about this scholarship and how you can apply.
Read MoreAI (Artificial Intelligence) workshop
Whether you’re a student, professional, or simply curious about AI, this workshop will provide a comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of AI, its applications, and its impact on various aspects of our lives.
Read MoreAI (Artificial Intelligence): Ethics and Bias
This session is designed to provide participants with an understanding of the ethical implications and challenges associated with AI technologies.
Read MoreBecome a Study Champion! Session #4 - Beyond the Classroom (Virtual)
Join Peer Education for a series of interactive workshops that focus on building effective study habits for college.November Sessions – Beyond the Classroom*Attend all four workshops throughout the semester and receive a cool certificate!Location: You may access the virtual workshop via Microsoft Teams HERE. Please join 5-10 minutes before the start time of 10:00 AM.https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_OGUyMmU0MDYtYjQxOS00ODYwLThkNWQtMjQ1OWYyYzE2MmEx%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22b7e81e5d-7242-4dff-8f1e-47d691148e41%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22eb4f2cd1-4d9b-44b9-bd9a-a41e01d15a16%22%7d
Read MoreBecome a Study Champion! Session #2 - Notetaking and Studying at the College Level (Virtual)
Join Peer Education for a series of interactive workshops that focus on building effective study habits for college.September Sessions – Notetaking and Studying at the College Level*Attend all four workshops throughout the semester and receive a cool certificate!Location: You may access the virtual workshop via Microsoft Teams HERE. Please join 5-10 minutes before the start time of […]
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