BCM Women’s Bible Study
BCM Women's Bible Study
Women’s Bible Study is a weekly Bible study led by BCM president Arianna Johnson, where a group of women gather and study scripture together based on a specific topic.
Read MoreUnity in the park Worship Night
Unity in the park is a worship night where different churches across the community plan to come together to worship. It’s open to anyone between the ages 18-30.
Read MoreMSA Potluck and Picnic
Join MSA for a get together where we will get to know each other and enjoy food together. Bring your own dish or favorite food to share. We will also bring board games to play as a group. Feel free to bring your favorite one as well.
Read MoreBaptist Collegiate Ministry Lunch Meeting
BCM Is a Christian club on campus that hosts a weekly lunch meeting for all students. At our lunch meetings, we have worship, a devotional, food, and fellowship!
Read MoreFrom Doubt to Belief | Your Questions Answered
Join Dr. Bryan Laue on Friday, September 20th at 6:30 pm in Gignilliat Memorial Hall. This inclusive presentation will address fundamental questions of faith using evidence-based reasoning along with the Bible. Whether you’re curious or skeptical, come and deepen your understanding. This event is hosted by Dalton Seventh Day Adventist Church.
Read MoreFinal Empire: Religious Liberty's Last Stand (Part III)
Final Empire is a four-part video series on the history of religiousfreedom in the United States of America. Final Empire will be shown the first three Mondays in October. The final Monday, October 21, will have a double presentation. Prize drawings each night. Please bring a friend! This event will in no way be pushing a specific candidate for office. But with election day approaching, may […]
Read MoreFinal Empire: Religious Liberty's Last Stand (Part II)
Final Empire is a four-part video series on the history of religiousfreedom in the United States of America. Final Empire will be shown the first three Mondays in October. The final Monday, October 21, will have a double presentation. Prize drawings each night. Please bring a friend! This event will in no way be pushing a specific candidate for office. But with election day approaching, may […]
Read MoreFinal Empire: Religious Liberty's Last Stand (Part I)
Final Empire is a four-part video series on the history of religiousfreedom in the United States of America. Final Empire will be shown the first three Mondays in October. The final Monday, October 21, will have a double presentation. Prize drawings each night. Please bring a friend! This event will in no way be pushing a specific candidate for office. But with election day approaching, may […]
Read MoreDay for Dalton Involvement Fair and Ice Cream Social
Find your people at the involvement fair…and grab an ice cream sundae, too!Learn about student organizations on campus and local organizations in the community. Get connected!Lower Pope Patio; 10:00 AM- 2:00PM
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