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NSSE Survey & Prize Drawing

NSSE Survey & Prize Drawing

Your voice matters! First-year and senior students should look for an email invitation to complete the NSSE survey, which will ask about your experience here at Dalton State. To express appreciation of participants, students who complete the survey by April 23, 2025, will be automatically entered in a random drawing to win 1 of 10 prizes: 1 of 2 Beats Studio Earbuds, 1 of 2 Mini Instant Camera Bundles, 1 athletic deep tissue massage gun, 1 DSC apparel voucher worth $50, 1 of 2 Stanley Cups, 1 Wise Owl Hammock, or 1 Bluetooth Wireless Speakers. Chances of winning depend on how many students complete the survey; 863 students were invited to participate. Students who receive an invitation to complete the survey should be on the lookout for an email from "NSSE <[email protected]>" with a subject line of "Please help Dalton State by completing NSSE." Campus emails will all have [EXTERNAL EMAIL] at the beginning of the subject line.