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Register for The BIG Event: Day of Service by March 19th

Clock 10:42 am - 12:00 am
Map Marker Dalton State

Register for The BIG Event: Day of Service by March 19th

Buckle up, partner. The BIG Event is coming to town on April 11, 10:45 AM- 2:15 PM.Round up some kindness, lend a hand, and volunteer with SAVE during this annual Day of Service. In this event, you will volunteer for two hours at a randomly assigned service site. You will be notified of your site assignment by April 8th.  Free transportation is provided, and students will receive a pizza lunch. Accommodated meals will be available for students with food restrictions. This event is Western-themed. First 50 students that register will receive a sticker.Schedule of this event:
  • Check-in at Lower Pope Patio from 10:45-11:00 AM
  • Team Round-Up and Lunch: 11:00 AM-11:45 AM
  • Departure from Dalton State at 11:45 AM
  • Service project: 12:00-2:00PM
  • Return to Campus by 2:15PM
Register by March 19th using this link: track your hours, you can respond to need on RoadrunnerServe: note to fully register for event, you must submit the registration form. All are welcome- faculty, staff, and students.