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Ann Maddox

Part-time Instructor of Management Gignilliat Hall
Academic Department
  • Wright School of Business

Bob Haverland, MBA

Lecturer in Accounting Gignilliat Hall, 205
Academic Department
  • Wright School of Business

Caleb Watkins

Assistant Professor of Economics Gignilliat Hall, 008
Academic Department
  • Wright School of Business

Carl J Gabrini, CPA (Florida)

Assistant Professor of Accounting Gignilliat Hall, Room 202
Academic Department
  • Wright School of Business

Cortnee Bunch, MBA

Assistant Professor of Marketing Gignilliat Hall, Room 210
Academic Department
  • Wright School of Business

Dong-Gook "DK" Kim, CAP

Professor of Supply Chain Management Gignilliat Hall, 208
Academic Department
  • Wright School of Business

Fernando Garcia, DBA

Associate Professor of Management Gignilliat Hall, Room 004
Academic Department
  • Wright School of Business

Hannah Makarczyk

Lecturer of Marketing Gignilliat Hall, 212
Academic Department
  • Wright School of Business

Jamie Connors, Ph.D., CPA

Associate Dean / Associate Professor of Accounting Gignilliat Hall, Room 112
Academic Department
  • Wright School of Business

Jim Gordon

Part-time Instructor of Logistics and Supply Chain Gignilliat Hall, 217
Academic Department
  • Wright School of Business