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Administrative Departments
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Michael Thompson

Part Time Instructor in Mathematics, Gilmer Center Gilmer Campus, 100
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • Department of Technology and Mathematics

Micheal Largent

Part-time Instructor Lorberbaum Hall, 107
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • Communication, Performing Arts & Foreign Languages Department

Mikaela Griggs

Dual Enrollment Instructor-History Dalton Campus
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • Department of Social Sciences
    • History Department

Mike Hilgemann

Professor of Mathematics Sequoya Hall, 162
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • Department of Technology and Mathematics

Nancy S Mason

Assistant Professor of Spanish Lorberbaum Hall, 208
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • Communication, Performing Arts & Foreign Languages Department

Natalie J Johnson

Associate Professor of Criminal Justice Lorberbaum Hall, 261
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • Department of Social Sciences

Nicholas Gewecke

Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment, Associate Professor of Mathematics Derrell Roberts Library, Room 232
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • Department of Technology and Mathematics
    • Institutional Research & Planning

Nick Carty

Associate Professor of Speech Lorberbaum Hall, Room 112E
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • Communication, Performing Arts & Foreign Languages Department

Patricia Horton

LMS Admin/Instructional Technologist Lorberbaum Hall, 304
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • Academic Affairs Office

Paula Pasqua

Part-time Instructor in Music Lorberbaum Hall
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • Communication, Performing Arts & Foreign Languages Department