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Kelson Smith

Associate Professor, Industrial Electrical & Electronic Technology Sequoya Hall, 161
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • Department of Physical Sciences
    • Department of Technology and Mathematics

Kenneth Ellinger, Ed.D.

Professor of Political Science Lorberbaum Hall, Room 240
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • Department of Social Sciences

Kent Harrelson

Professor of English Lorberbaum Hall, 218
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • English Department

Kerri Allen

Chair, Department of English, Professor of English Lorberbaum Hall, Room 235
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • English Department

Kerry B Dunbar

Professor of Biology Sequoya Hall, Room 106
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • Department of Life Science

Kileen Berry

Assistant Professor of Mathematics Sequoya Hall, Room 110
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • Department of Technology and Mathematics

Kim Correll

Assistant Professor of Communication and Theatre Lorberbaum Hall, Room 108A
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • Communication, Performing Arts & Foreign Languages Department

Kimberly Hays

Associate Professor of Biology Peeples Hall, 222
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • Department of Life Science

Kristi David

Lecturer in Communication Lorberbaum Hall, Room 108B
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • Communication, Performing Arts & Foreign Languages Department

Lacey McLemore

Part-time Instructor of English Bandy Gymnasium
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • English Department