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Administrative Departments
Academic Departments
Campus Life
Support Service

Robert Reeves

Assistant Director of Plant Operations Maintenance Building, 100
Administrative Department
  • Plant Operations

Robin Roe

Associate Director of Student Health Services; Associate Professor of Nursing Health Professions Building, 226
Administrative Department
  • Health and Wellness

Robyn Baggett

Part Time Instructor in Mathematics Dalton Campus
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • Department of Technology and Mathematics

Roelof Steyn

Police Officer Health Professions Building, 300
Administrative Department
  • Public Safety

Rogelio Garcia-Cuna

Lab and Classroom Technology Coordinator Gignilliat Hall, Room 133
Administrative Department
  • Computing Information Services (OCIS)

Rogers Valley

Part-Time Site Supervisor Dalton Campus
Academic Department
  • School of Education

Rosalva Moso

Senior Administrative Assistant Peeples Hall
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • Communication, Performing Arts & Foreign Languages Department
    • Department of Life Science
    • Department of Physical Sciences
    • Department of Social Sciences
    • Department of Technology and Mathematics
    • English Department
    • History Department

Ryan Hoffpauir

Assistant Professor Brown Hall, 308
Academic Department
  • School of Education

Ryan Reece

Part-Time Instructor in Communication (Dual Enrollment) Lorberbaum Hall, NW Whitfield High School
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • Communication, Performing Arts & Foreign Languages Department

S. Ray Smith

Lecturer of Management Gignilliat Hall, 001
Academic Department
  • Wright School of Business