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Susan Burran

Associate Professor of Biology Sequoya Hall, Room 160
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • Department of Life Science

Susan D West, EdD., R.T.

Chair, Department of Allied Health and Social Work; Professor and Director: Radiologic Technology Health Professions Building, 237
Academic Department
    • Allied Health and Social Work

Susan Keelen

Part-time Instructor in Mathematics Sequoya Hall, NW Whitfield High
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • Department of Technology and Mathematics

Susan L Eastman

Assistant Professor of English Lorberbaum Hall, Room 212
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • English Department

Sylvia Driver, DNP, RN, APRN, FNP-BC

Nursing Department Chair & Professor of Nursing; RN BSN Program Director Health Professions Building, Room 124
Academic Department
  • School of Health Professions
    • Nursing Department

Tamara Lebron

Part-time Instructor of English Lorberbaum Hall, 219
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • English Department

Tami K Tomasello

Associate Professor of Communication Lorberbaum Hall, 105B
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • Communication, Performing Arts & Foreign Languages Department

Tammy Byron

Assistant Provost; Professor of History Westcott Hall, Room 166
Academic Department
  • School of Arts and Sciences
    • Academic Affairs Office

Tammy M Rice, LCSW , ACSW

BSW Program Director and Assistant Professor Health Professions Building, 327
Academic Department
    • Allied Health and Social Work