Dean, Wright School of Business and Sesquicentennial Chair and Professor of Logistics and Supply Chain Management Wright School of BusinessVita
Faculty Qualifications
Primary Teaching Area: Management
Rank: Sesquicentennial Endowed Chair and Professor of Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Date of Initial Hire: August 2000; Tenured 2000; Professor 2000; Endowed Chair 2000
5-Year Review Period: 2019-2024
Qualification Status: SA
Academic Degrees:
D.B.A. Strategic Management with Minor in Marketing & Economics, University of Memphis,1987
M.B.A. General M.B.A, University of Memphis, 1984
B.B.A. Management, University of Memphis, 1982
Rationale for Classification:
20 PRJs and 12 OICs.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles (published or accepted):
1. Garcia, F., Smith, S. R., and Helms, M.M. (2024). Measuring Employee Empowering and Ownership Under Accountability Pressure: The Case Of J&J Industries The Case Journal – The Official Journal of the Case Association 20(1), 226-249. (AIS)
2. Dileepan, P., Ahmadi, M., and Helms, M.M. (2023). Big Data Analytics Modeling to Address the Retention Challenges and Dropout Rates Facing Higher Education. SAM Advanced
Management Journal, 88(3), 56-74. (TLS)
3. Garcia, F., Smith, S. R., Burger, A., and Helms, M.M. (2023). Increasing Global Mindset Trough Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL): Internationalizing the
Undergraduate International Business Classes. Journal of International Education in Business, 16(2), 184-203. (TLS)
4. Hervani, A., Nandi, S., Sarkis, J. and Helms, M.M. (2023). Conceptualizing Circular Economy Performance with Non-Traditional Valuation Methods: Lessons for a Post-Pandemic Recovery. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications 26(6), 662-682. (AIS)
5. Rynarzewska, A.I., LeMay, S., Helms, M.M., Hetrick, E. (2023). Effects of Empathy and Egoism on CSR Perceptions and Consumer Buycotts: Lessons Learned During Global Crisis in Support of Equitable Business Practices. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science 34(1), 90-107. (AIS)
6. Ahmadi, M., Dileepan, P. Adair, D., and Helms, M.M. (2022). Simulation Analysis for Identifying Bottlenecks and Reducing Patient Waiting Times: Use of Big Data. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 87(3), 48-64. (AIS)
7. Garcia, F., Hammontree, M.C.D., Duarte, P., and Helms, M. M. (2022). Adaptations of Multinational Subsidiaries for Surviving Host Country Crises: A Case Study of Venezuela. International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets 14(4), 396-414. (AIS)
8. Hervani, A. A., Nandi, S., Helms, M.M., and Sarkis, J. (2022). A Performance Measurement Framework for Socially Sustainable and Resilient Supply Chains using Environmental Goods Valuation Methods. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 30, 31-52. (AIS)
9. Rich, L., LeMay, S. and Helms, M.M. (2022). Sensemaking and Resilience for Human Resources in Crises: Lessons from Crisis-Purposed Organizations. Journal of Organizational Psychology 22(1), 81-98. (AIS)
10. Nandi, S., Sarkis, J., Hervani, A., and Helms, M.M. (2021). Do Blockchain and Circular Economy Practices Improve Post COVID-19 Supply Chains? A Resource-Based and Resource- Dependence Perspective. Industrial Management and Data Systems Journal (121)2, 333-363. (AIS)
11. Nandi, S., Sarkis, J., Hervani, A. and Helms, M. M. (2021). Redesigning Supply Chains using Blockchain-Enabled Circular Economy and COVID-19 Experiences, Sustainable Production and Consumption, 27(July), 10-22. (AIS)
12. Rutti, R., Garcia, F., and Helms, M.M. (2021). Entrepreneurship in Peru: A SWOT Analysis. For International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. 43(2), 369-396. (AIS)
13. Smith, D., Byrd, J., and Helms, M.M. (2021). Implementing a Service-Learning Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program: Recruiting College Student Participants and Understanding the Benefits to All Stakeholders. Industry and Higher Education Journal 36(5), 1-8. (TLS)
14. Ahmadi, M., Dileepan, P. and Helms, M.M. (2020). Long-Term Benefits of Student-Centered Experiential Learning in An MBA Quantitative Decision Analysis Course. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 85(2), 43-54. (TLS)
15. Nandi, S., Hervani, A.A., and M. M. Helms (2020). Circular Economy Business Models — Supply Chain Perspectives, IEEE Engineering Management Review, 48(2), 193-201. (AIS)
16. Smith, D., Byrd, J., and Helms, M.M. (2020). Dalton Convention Center: A Beacon or White Elephant? IMA Educational Case Journal (IECJ), 13(2), Article 3, June. (TLS)
17. Swalens, M., McLean, A., and Helms, M.M. (2020). Can Clusters Survive: A Case Study of the Flooring Industry’s Evolution. Journal of Competitiveness Studies, 28(3/4), 205-226. (AIS)
18. Zarafshani, K., Solaymani, A., D’Itri, M., Helms, M.M., and Sanjabi, S. (2020). Evaluating Technology Acceptance in Agricultural Education in Iran: A Study of Vocational Agriculture Teachers. Social Sciences & Humanities Open 2(1), article 100041. (AIS)
19. Gardiner, L., Kim, DK and Helms, M.M. (2019). Key Recommendations for Improving AoL Assessments: A Longitudinal Analysis of Rater Bias and Reliability in Embedded Rubric-Based Measurements, Journal of Education for Business, 95(4), 227-233. (TLS)
20. Zarafshani, K., Helms, M.M. and D’Itri, M. (2019). Revitalizing the Cooperative Sector in Iran. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 84(3), 53-71. (AIS)
Other Intellectual Contributions (OICs):
1. Helms, M.M, Hervani, A. (2024). Textbook Chapter: Reverse Logistics Within the Supply Chain, Springer Books, in Joseph Sarkis (ed), The Palgrave Handbook of Supply Chain Management, Palgrave Macmillan, 923-950. (AIS)
2. Helms, M., Hervani, A., Nandi, Santosh, and Sarkis, Joseph (2024). Textbook Chapter: A Multi-Stakeholder Digital Ecosystem Perspective for Sustainability and Resilience of Supply Chains. Chapter Three in Environmentally Responsible Supply Chains in an Era of Digital Transformation: Research Developments and Future Prospects. Edited by Dr. Pietro Evangelista, Prof. Jukka Hallikas, and Prof. Mohammad Y. Jaber. Publisher Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. (AIS)
3. Rynarzewska, A.I., Johnson, K., LeMay, S., & Helms, M.M. (2023). Strategic Reliance on Content Creators in Brand Image Repair Through the Lens of Celebrity Brand Crisis in Depp v. Heard Trial Proceedings of the Association of Marketing Theory and Practice, Conference, March 17, 2023, Hilton Head Island, SC. (AIS)
4. Helms, M. M. (2023). WSOB Spring 2023 Update. Dalton State Digest, 4 (2), 13-14. (TLS)
5. Hervani, A., Nandi, S., Sarkis, J. and Helms, M.M. (2022). Blockchain Technology and Socially Sustainable Supply Chains – A Valuation Perspective. Chapter in Green Production Engineering and Management, edited by C. Machado and J.P. Davim (Editors), New York, Elsevier Publishing. (AIS)
6. LeMay, S. and Helms, M.M. (2022). Book: The Little Black Book of Supply Chain Management. Sentia Publishing, Lakeway, TX. (AIS)
7. Helms, M. M. (2021). Meet DSC’s Wright School of Business. Dalton State Digest, 2 (2), 14- 15. (TLS)
8. Byrd, J., Helms, M.M., & Smith, D. (2021). Service Learning and Career Advancement for Accounting Majors: Benefits of the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program to Communities, Students, and Schools. Proceedings of the 2021 Annual ‘Virtual’ Meeting of the American Accounting Association – Concurrent Session 5.10, August 3, 2021. (TLS)
9. Nandi, S., Hervani, A., Helms, M.M., & Sarkis, J. (2021). The Renaissance of Agile Virtual Enterprises and the COVID Crisis. Proceedings of the 2021 Production and Operations Management Society Annual Conference. (AIS)
10. Ahmadi, M., Helms, M.M., & Dileepan. P. (2020). Advantages of Experiential Learning for MBA Students. Proceedings of the 2020 Southeast Decision Sciences Institute, Charleston, South Carolina. (TLS)
11. Smith, D., Byrd, J., and Helms, M.M. (2020). Dalton Convention Center: A Beacon or White Elephant? Proceedings of the 2020 Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association, Atlanta, GA. (AIS)
12. Garcia, F., Duarte, P. Hammontree, C. and Helms, M.M. (2019). Adapting for Surviving Host Country Crises: A Case Study of Venezuela’s Multinational Subsidiaries. Presebnted at the International Conference on Higher Education & Industry, ICHEI-2019, September 9, Clayton State University, Southern Metro Atlanta, GA. (TLS)