Dong-Gook "DK" Kim, CAP
Professor of Supply Chain Management Wright School of BusinessOffice
Gignilliat Hall 208
Faculty Qualifications
Primary Teaching Area: Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Rank: Professor – Tenured
Date of Initial Hire: August 2008; Assistant Professor 2008; Associate Professor 2014; Professor & Tenured 2014
5-Year Review Period: 2019-2024
Qualification Status: SA
Academic Degrees:
Ph.D. Decision Sciences, Georgia State University, 2008
M.S. Actuarial Science, University of Nebraska, 2005
B.S. Dongguk University, 1999
Rationale for Classification:
3 PRJs and 7 OICs.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles (published or accepted):
1. Park, C., & Kim, DK. (2020). Perception of Instructor Presence and Its Effects on Learning Experience in Online Classes. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 19,
457-488. (TLS)
2. Park, C., & Kim, DK. (2020). Exploring the Roles of Social Presence and Gender Difference in Online Learning. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 18(2), 291-312. (TLS)
3. Gardiner, L., Kim, DK and Helms, M.M. (2019). Key Recommendations for Improving AoL Assessments: A Longitudinal Analysis of Rater Bias and Reliability in Embedded Rubric-
Based Measurements, Journal of Education for Business, 95(4), 227-233. (AIS)
Other Intellectual Contributions (OICs):
1. Park, C., & Kim, D. (2023). A Study of Presence and Gender in Online Education. Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute. (TLS)
2. Park, C., & Kim, DK. (2022). Telepresence and Social Presence in Online Learning. Proceedings of the Southeast Decision Sciences Institute. (TLS)
3. Kim, J., Kim, DK., & Kamphaus, R. (2022). Early Detection of Mental Health Through Universal Screening at Schools. Proceedings of Georgia Educational Researcher, 19(1), Article 4. (TLS)
4. 2022-2023: Garcia, F., Marshall, V.B., Kim, D., & Littlefield, J., Fulfilling the Potential of a Partnership, AACSB Insight. (AIS)
5. Park, C., & Kim, DK. (2021). A Study on Social Presence and Gender. Proceedings of the Southeast Decision Sciences Institute, Atlanta, Georgia. (AIS)
6. Park, C., & Kim, DK. (2020). Exploring the Roles of Social Presence and Gender Difference in Online Learning. Proceedings of the Southeast Decision Sciences Institute. (TLS)
7. Garcia, F., Littlefield, J., Marshall, V., & Kim, D. (2020). Latino Needs Assessment Grant. Co- investigator, Latin American Association. (AIS)