Marketing, BBA (Day)

WSOB students talking together around a laptop

Are you interested in learning how companies use various channels, including social media, to create demand for their products and services? Are you interested in branding, understanding purchasing behaviors, or advertising? A marketing program of study may be ideal for you. Our Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing program will offer you a relevant and well-rounded perspective on assessing consumer behaviors and markets as well as the promotional elements of marketing.

This field experiences constant change due to technology. Positions include working in a market research firm, marketing department, and in positions across all types of organizations.

Alumni Outcomes

Curious about where Dalton State Marketing graduates work, what they do, and the estimated salary in their field? Here’s an overview.

Career Opportunities for Marketing graduates

  • Marketing Manager
  • Sales Representative/ Manager
  • Public Relations Specialist
  • Sales Manager
  • Personal Service Manager, Entertainment and Recreation Manager, Except Gambling
  • Managers
  • Marketing Manager
  • Retail Salespersons
  • General and Operations Manager

Our alumni work here

Shaw Industries Mohawk Industries Marketing Alliance Group Starbucks Engineered Floors Kobayashi Healthcare International

Median Salary for Dalton State Marketing Graduates Working in Georgia

Graduation income
Reem Awad

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Dalton State College provides a diverse student population with opportunities to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to attain affordable baccalaureate degrees, associate.

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C. Lamar and Ann Wright School of Business

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