Faculty Handbook

The Faculty Handbook complements the Dalton State Statutes and the official publications and policies of the Board of Regents. The handbook is provided online to each member of the College faculty. Like most large organizations, the University System and its twenty-six constituent colleges and universities, including Dalton State College, produce endless documents teeming with policies, procedures, guidelines, rules, and regulations. Most of those affecting students at Dalton State College are included in the Catalog, requisite reading and a ready reference for all students and faculty. Institutional issues are addressed specifically in the Statutes of the College. Both of these documents and the Handbook are ultimately based on and are subordinate to the Policy Manual of the Board of Regents.

The Faculty Handbook is designed to provide brief, practical discussions of topics and concerns which you and your students may encounter on a regular basis and of policies and procedures related to your appointment as a member of the faculty of Dalton State College.

The content listed below was approved by the Faculty Senate on March 11, 2021 and by the full faculty on April 23, 2021.

