Name: Rachel Hardin

Age: 20

Hometown: Augusta

High school: Lakeside High School

Major: Social Work

Expected graduation date: May 2019

Why did you choose Dalton State? Because of the location, they offer my major, and for the soccer program!

Who is/was your favorite professor and why? Christy Price, because her classes are so much fun and they teach stuff that you can use in your personal life, and she’s super relatable and laid back.

What activities are you involved in on campus? I am an Orientation Leader, I am the goalie for the women’s soccer team, and I will be a RA next year.

What are some of your favorite activities in and around Dalton? Hiking the awesome trails, eating, playing soccer, and hanging out with friends.

Where is your favorite study spot? The covered rocking benches right outside the library

Where is your favorite hangout? The Disney Trail!

What is the last book you read?  Carli Lloyd

Favorite comfort food? Pizza

Favorite line from a movie? “You’re killing me, Smalls” -The Sandlot

What is your guilty pleasure? Eating lots of candy

What cheers you up? Soccer, pizza, ice cream, and friends

What is your favorite book? Anything Dr. Seuss!

Who is your hero? My grandma

What is your favorite app? Snapchat

Where is your favorite place to eat? Bojangles

What did you want to be when you were a kid?  A spy! (still do)

What does it mean to you to be part of the Roadrunner Nation? It means to be a part of a family and a part of something bigger than yourself. Go Roadrunners! Beep Beep!!